




FMMandyRiley SRespectFor trying your very best to show respect this week. I loved how you were so respectful towards Monica. Amazing work!
1/2ARiaane & NatalieCarter ERespectWell done on working so hard this week at completing all your tasks! You have been doing a wonderful job, keep it up Carter!
1/2 EErinAlfie WRespectFor always being a shining ray of sunshine in our classroom and making sure your friends are okay! You use your manners beautifully and engage respectfully with others. You’re a star Alfie!
3/4SScottLincoln S For his awesome start at Menzies, you have settled in so well Lincoln and we are so happy to have you in 3/4S! Welcome Lincoln!
3/4BBecHeath HRespectFor your consistent and respectful attitude to your school work, classmates and environment. You are a great role model for our class and should be very proud of your achievements. Well done Heath!
5/6SSonyaDash DRespectFor the way you have assisted and supported your peers during filming. Keep it up!
56DDanielCoen PRespectFor always displaying respect towards teachers and students. You are such a wonderful role model with your positive choices you make in class and outside. Keep it up!
STEMKylieRiley H RespectIt has been so promising to see you grow this term and develop good listening skills. You have been able to show how well you can achieve the skills we are learning when you remain focused. Great work!
Performing ArtsKylieAva P Respect

Ava you have shown how well you work as a team, ensuring you listen to everyone and include everyone in the group. 

You have paid close attention to not only coming up with some original dance moves in Performing Arts, but making sure that you focus on timing as well. It has been fantastic to see!

Visual ArtsAshleaArty B You have been working wonderfully in Art. Listening carefully to instructions and completing your best work.You have been consistently making sure your space is clean and tidy after each session. Well done Arty!