P&C Update

Written by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

Edited by S.Meoli (P&C Vice President)

P&C update Term 3, Week 6


Term 3

Firstly we would like to thank the school for opening up and allowing parents to be more involved in our children's schooling. Many of our P&C members were excited to come along and attend the Athletics Carnival, and are looking forward to the Book Week Parade. 


The P&C has been very busy behind the scenes this term. Working with the school leaders and the school executive, we are excited to share that the P&C has voted to provide $10,000 towards the infants playground markings, along with the school providing $10,000. The P&C is continuing to support the school leaders in fundraising the final $2,500 through an upcoming cake stall, and a spare change challenge in Term 4. 


Behind the scenes, the P&C is providing gifts for all the SASS staff (School Administrative and Support Staff) to thank them for their hard work in supporting our school, students and families. 


Members of the P&C also have the opportunity to be involved on a selection panel when new staff are hired through merit. Being on the panel gives you the privilege of seeing behind the scenes how the school works, and how hard school staff work in various and diverse roles. 


Joining the P&C

If you've been thinking about joining the P&C, but aren't able to make it to the meetings to sign up, we now have an online membership form. Once you join you receive P&C updates as they happen, hear about school events first, learn of opportunities for volunteering to support our students and get a say in all informal discussions that happen between meetings. If you'd like to join, please follow the link https://forms.gle/xdA8PNLCrL7mr86V6


P&C Meeting

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 6th September in the school PL Room which is located behind the kindergarten block and in front of the Support Unit Playground.





When you come to the meetings, you get to hear first hand what is happening across the school. During meetings you have a chance to contribute and be involved in what the P&C plans for the future. 


Financial members can vote to help decide what the P&C does, and how we spend the funds. 

You can always see when our next meeting is in the newsletter - either in the P&C update or the Important Dates. 


Term 3 Calendar

Here’s a look into what the P&C has planned for Term 3:

  • Father’s Day Stall (Week 7)
  • SASS Recognition (Week 7)
  • Planning and fundraising for the school markings (Term 3, Term 4)
  • P&C Meeting on 6th September to plan some more events for Term 4



We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community.

Stay tuned to keep up to date with the P&C. 

If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com, or message us on the Facebook page : 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'.

Let’s come together and make this a fun year for our students.