Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking 

Alana (Year 4) & S. Cummings 

On Tuesday, 16th August, I proudly represented my school at the Regional Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition. With my parents, we travelled to The Arts Unit in Lewisham for me to compete. On the way I was feeling a little bit nervous but also very excited. The Stage 2, Years 3 & 4, competition began at 10:00am.


I waited in the audience until my name was announced and then it was my time to recite my prepared speech. There were 10 topics to choose from and I selected, 'A Safe Place To Call Home'. I chose this topic as it has a special meaning to me involving the history of my parents, feeling both unsafe and safe with where they lived. My prepared speech was three minutes long.


I confidently presented my speech in front of a large audience and three judges. I knew my speech word for word. I then had five minutes to write an impromptu speech with the topic given to us just before we started writing. The title was, 'Good Health.' This speech had to be one minute and presented to the audience and judges.


I had a wonderful time listening to all the public speakers and their amazing speeches. It was a very tough and competitive competition as there were students from 11 schools. This was a truly remarkable experience to just listen to everyone’s speeches and to be there in person. I had a wonderful time and I hope to be there again next year.