College Ball

With the up coming College Ball it is probably timely to point out a couple of important reminders to families. 


Firstly, the College has no part in any after-ball party. Parents and carers are urged to ask questions of any host and be clear about the safety of their child. Remember that your underage child may well be attending events with 18 year olds and certain activities may not be appropriate for their age. 


Please check that your child is not carrying vapes or illicit substances and that they are not under the influence before the Ball. It spoils everyone’s night when we have to manage behaviour or send someone home. 


All that said, the Ball is a wonderful night and a highlight for students who always look fantastic. My thanks to our staff who make it happen, particularly Mrs Hickman and Mrs Fimmano.


Farm Initiatives

I am pleased to see a couple of new initiatives progressing around the Farm. 


The fencing for our Landcare project along a section of the creek-line at Beef is complete. Weed control will commence once we have some clear weather and will continue into next season ready for planting. Once we have this section planted and managed, we will tack on another section downstream along the same creek line.  Thanks to Craig  Sullivan for taking on this project.

Section of creek line fenced off and awaiting weed control. The huge water flow is due to around 65 mm of rain in the last 24 hours.
Section of creek line fenced off and awaiting weed control. The huge water flow is due to around 65 mm of rain in the last 24 hours.


Another initiative happening at the College is our hydroponic project. This is progressing with a clear cover ordered to replace the opaque cover on one of the eco shelters. Various parts of the hydroponic infrastructure are being ordered and the metal trestles to support the nutrient film channels will be fabricated by students on the Farm. 


We have Murdoch University assisting us in acquiring western pigmy perch (a native freshwater fish species), which will be kept in an aquaponics setup to demonstrate another technique of growing plants with fish. Western pygmy perch need vegetation growing in and on the water to breed and feed, so suitable aquatic plants are being established in the tanks to develop an ecosystem before the fish arrive. Thanks to Georgina Warden and Matt Olde for taking on this project.


Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of WA 

This association is holding their annual conference this Saturday 5th August, at the Abbey Beach Resort in Busselton and would like to extend an invitation to any students and staff that would like to attend. The program begins at 9.00 am, with morning tea and lunch provided. 


Australian Test cricketer Mitchell Johnson is the keynote speaker, along with a programme around rural transport issues and live export issues. The iNSTRUCTA! safety truck will be there, which would be of great benefit to young drivers in attendance. 


LRTA WA would like to cover all costs involved in students and staff attending and can help with transport if required. 


Mountain Bike Track

Well done to the group of students involved in constructing a mountain bike track in a paddock just up the hill from the main campus. Each afternoon a team of boys with shovels and wheelbarrows heads up the hill and have been very industrious! Their commitment is such that on Wednesday when we had torrential rain they were still hard at it! 

Track building mid-17th century
Track building 21st century  
Track building mid-17th century
Track building 21st century  

Have a great weekend
