Specialist News

Music Room News
Introducing our new School Band and School Choir for 2023. The 25th of July was our first performance for the year at our school assembly. Our band consists of instruments such as drums, keyboards, baritones and bass guitar. Our band is accompanied by a talented all-girls Choir. The members of the Band and the Choir were chosen after careful auditioning by the Music Captains (Royani and Josh) and Judith (Music Teacher) and the finest talent was chosen to be part of this elite team.
The members of our Band and Choir are very talented and committed to rehearsing every week and showcasing our talent and love for music. Watch out for more performances!
Band Members:
Harshaan, Vedant, Grace, Nandya, Anya, Sasha, Royani, Amna, Tashi, Owen, Mustafa, Idhaant and Charlie.
Choir Members: Xin Xin, Mayah, Levana, Adele, Charzaiah, Aletta, Bisma and Cashiya.
By Royani & Josh (Music Captains)
Sports News
CNPS students Mayah and Idhaant are delighted to introduce themselves as the sports captains for 2023. As leaders of our school, we are capable of executing numerous responsibilities, such as managing the Sports Shed - from which students can borrow sports equipment during recess and lunch breaks, and helping various teachers, especially Vimala, the P.E. teacher, with different sports events.
We are thrilled to announce that the District Athletics will be taking place on 21st August 2023. On this day, some students from our school will compete with other schools in interschool sports. Students have been practicing hard in the last few weeks for this event. We would love to see parents come to the Duncan McKinnon Athletics Track at Murrumbeena to cheer for us on the 21st. See you there and stay tuned for more news from the P.E world.
Mayah and Idhaant
Art Room News
Year 3/4 Upcycled Sculptures
Year 3/4 students have studied the work of artist Barbara Kobylinska and used her work asinspiration when creating their own 3D sculptures. They have linked into their learning about Sustainability in the classroom and upcycled old plastic bottles and used them with tin foil to create an armature for their sculpture. Students used plaster bandage or paper mache to cover their armature before decorating. Many students chose to create bird sculptures as we discovered that many birds, such as sea birds, can be harmed from plastic left in the environment. Students are now working on decorating their sculptures with bright colours and patterns and have demonstrated wonderful creativity.
From the Art Captains
Hi my name is Amna, and I’m one of the Art Captains. I love doing art. It's actually one of my favourite hobbies (besides baking and bike riding). As the Art captain I'm very excited to announce that the Art Club will be starting this Thursday at lunch (every second Thursday). In the Art Club you get to have many different options on what to do. Right now the main goal is to get as many students to participate in a Spotlight Bullying Art Exhibition. You can work on your artwork at home or during Art Club. I hope to see many students enter the exhibition!
Hi my name is Sasha and I am one of the Art captains. I really love and enjoy doing art and it’s one of my favourite hobbies. As an Art captain, I want to announce that the Art Club will be open every second Thursday. In the Art Club you can work on your work for the art exhibition that has a very important topic of “Spotlighting Bullying.” You can make an art piece about how it feels to be bullied or about support for people who have been bullied.
Year 1/2 Glowing Butterflies
Students in Year 1 & 2 have been creating artworks about insects to support their learning in the classroom. They looked at photos of real butterflies before using printing and painting techniques to create these fabulous symmetrical butterflies. They used neon oil pastel and paint and were super excited to see them glow under black light in our Glow Gallery.