Year 1/2 News

Week 6
Over the past few weeks in Literacy, the Year 1/2 students have been focusing on reading a diverse range of narratives and fiction stories.
We have read and discussed a classroom novel “The 13-story Treehouse” by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. This has helped us learn about identifying characters, their interesting physical and emotional character traits, the different settings in which a story can take place and all of the problems, small or large that might happen in a story, and the solutions and ways the characters can solve these problems. This has led us to begin thinking and exploring how we can emulate and use these story elements in our own narrative writing.
In Numeracy, we have been exploring the topics of addition and measurement. Students have learned about a range of different addition strategies and have been using them to assist in single, double, and even multi-digit addition equations!
The Year 1/2 students have also been using informal units such as coins, blocks, and other classroom objects to measure the length of items found around the classroom and school. We have also been learning how to properly use rulers and measuring tapes, and are learning to use the correct mathematical language, such as centimetres, millimetres and inches, in reference to measurements.