Foundation 2023

Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Mathematics Term One
In Math over the past couple of weeks, the Foundation students have been exploring the concept of Addition and Subtraction. They have been learning mathematical symbols that we use when we are completing addition and subtraction equations and that the = symbol tells us the answer after it. When exploring Addition, students have been completing fun, hands-on activities including rolling dice and using concrete materials to investigate the concept of how to add two groups of objects and numbers together. In pairs they used ladybirds to help them add two groups of spots and then wrote the corresponding equation.
We have been excitedly counting and recording the number of days we have been at school in our anticipation of our 100 Days of School Celebration! Each day we add a dot to our counting ten frame chart! Our 100 Days of School Celebration will be in Term 3, details to come.
In Measurement and Geometry, the Foundation students investigated the concept of length. To help develop these skills, they have been comparing and measuring objects using informal units of measurement such as unifix. The Foundation students have learnt that to measure accurately requires them to make sure they measure from the very bottom of what they are measuring to the other end. They had a great time going outside and measuring the length of each other!
The students also learnt about the importance of using directional language such as next to, in between, right, left, under, through etc. They then had a chance to use this language to program the Bee Bots. Bee Bots are an exciting programmable floor robot which helps students develop their programming and coding skills as well as using their directional language skills.
This Term, we have been investigating Science. We have learnt that we are all Scientists and that Science is all around us. Students have participated in several experiments throughout the term and have followed the scientific method of making predictions and observing outcomes. We have had fun learning what happens when we combine different materials together.
Our first experiment was mixing borax and boiling water together, to see what would happen. We discovered it will make crystals!
Our next experiment involved putting a raw egg in vinegar and leaving it to soak for several days. We discovered that it makes the egg swell, the shell dissolves and the egg gets bouncy!
Our last main experiment was mixing Coke and Mentos together which causes an eruption of fizzy foam!
On Wednesday, the Foundation students attended the Crazy Chemical Incursion led by the wonderful presenter, Emily. The students investigated the properties of a variety of objects and used their senses and adjectives to describe them.
They had so much fun observing physical changes and chemical reactions.
It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of Term 2 and the students have almost completed half of their first year of school. We would to thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all the best for a relaxing winter break.
Please see below for information regarding the days each grade has their Specialist classes. Please note that these times are subject to change.
FA | FB |
PMP: Tuesday 1:20 - 2:10 Visual Arts: Tuesday Performing Arts: Wednesday AUSLAN: Thursday Health & PE: Thursday | PMP: Tuesday 11:50 - 12:40 Visual Arts: Wednesday AUSLAN: Thursday Health & PE: Thursday Performing Arts: Friday |
In 2023 the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) will be running on a weekly basis for the Foundation students. The purpose of this program is to grow the Fundamental Movement Skills of the students via working through different activities which require different movements. Justin Scicluna runs our PMP program.
If there are any family members who would be willing to volunteer and assist with the PMP sessions, please email In order to assist with these sessions, you will require a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) and it must be presented to the office before commencing the session. If you do not have a WWCC and would like to obtain one, please visit the below link;
The PMP session times are as below;
Foundation B: 11:50am-12:40pm
Foundation A: 1:20-2:10pm
If you have any questions please contact us via email or in person.