Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
Curriculum Update
Over the past few lessons, the Foundation Students have concentrated on building their knowledge and competency with the skills involved in soccer. The students worked together to practise the skills to enable them to grow in confidence. Once the students demonstrated competency, they moved into small-scale activities which allowed them to apply their learnings. The children should all be proud of their efforts.
Year One/Two:
Over the last three weeks the students have continued to work through their Soccer Gecko Sports program. Once they demonstrated competency in the skill development, they progressed to small gameplay then a full scale indoor soccer match. It was fantastic to see the level of skill, teamwork and work-ethic on display during these lessons. The students should be proud of their efforts over the course of the program.
Year Three/Four:
Over the last three weeks the students have continued to work through their Soccer Gecko Sports program. Once they demonstrated competency in the skill development, they progressed to small gameplay then a full scale indoor soccer match. It was fantastic to see the level of skill, teamwork and work-ethic on display during these lessons. The students should be proud of their efforts over the course of the program.
Year Five/Six:
Over the last three weeks the students have continued to work through their Soccer Gecko Sports program. Once they demonstrated competency in the skill development, they progressed to small gameplay then a full scale indoor soccer match. It was fantastic to see the level of skill, teamwork and work-ethic on display during these lessons. The students should be proud of their efforts over the course of the program.
Mountain Bike Elective
Our select 3-6 students wrapped up their Mountain Bike elective. It would be fair to say the students have learnt so much from each of these sessions. The skills they have learned can now be applied to their riding outside of school. A massive shout out to Simon for volunteering his time to teach the students throughout the program.
Division and Region Cross Country
Over the past few weeks some of our students have represented our school at the Division and Region cross country events. To make it through to these stages is an amazing achievement in itself.
At the division level we had both Jack C and Lillie D place 1st, Jacob M place 2nd and Jake W place 3rd.
At the region event we had two students (Lillie and Jacob) progress through to the state championships in Term Three. We also have Jasper who has made it through to state level as a dual representative across two school. We could not be prouder of them for making it through to the final stage, and wish them the best of luck.
Once again congratulations to all of our competitors thought the whole cross country carnival.
Level 56 District Winter Sport Carnival
On Thursday 1st June, our level 56 students represented our school at the District Winter Sport Carnival. We had teams in Volleystars, Soccer, Netball, T-Ball and AFL. It was fantastic to not only witness but to hear that the level of team work and respect towards one another was terrific. Not only this, the talent on display from our 56 students was remarkable. Unfortunately we did not have any teams progress through to the next stage but the experience the students gained from the event will help set them up for future carnivals. Well done
Upcoming Events
Hoop Time Level 5-6