Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Mathematic Overview / Inquiry Celebration Expo/ Thank you/ 5-6 Timetables
Number and Algebra
During Term Two our students worked through the topic of Order of Operations - BIDMAS. BIDMAS stands for Brackets / Indices / Division / Multiplication / Addition and Subtraction. Students investigated how they follow the order of operations correctly, focusing on what process is completed first through to the final step. Although this is a Year Six focus our Year Five students all had success and were able to complete a range of tasks.
Our final challenge and post test saw our students working with a range of numbers and operations and had a challenge of it equalling 23. Challenge yourself to complete task and see how you go (you may ask your child for some help wink wink...)
Combine the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 with the operations (), ÷, x, +, - to make an equation that is equal to 23.
e.g. 2 x 5 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 23
You may only use the number once.
You do not need to use all the numbers.
Make as many equations as you can in 10minutes.
Bonus marks will be given for:
- Using all numbers in an equation
- Using the ÷ operation
- Using brackets (only where necessary)
- Creativity and complexity will be rewards
- Numbers used as index numbers.
Measurement and Geometry
Measurement and Geometry was one of our main mathematical focuses for this term. While investigating the topics of Perimeter, Area, Volume and Capacity students were also using Addition and Multiplication to solve the equations. Students used hands on tasks such as the Geoboards to work out Perimeter and Area, they completed a Portfolio tasks in which they designed a new Zoo with a mixture of animal enclosures and buildings. Students worked out the perimeter and area of many of the buildings (see photos below).
During the unit linked to Capacity, our students were involved in hands on activities of estimating and measuring a range of different objects and 3d shapes. This was a fun afternoon outside investigating maths (see photos below)
Statistics and Probability
Students investigated the chance linked to things occurring and researched how we can describe the Probability of events linked to their numerical value. We used the common language of Chance: likely, unlikely, even, possible, impossible, certain, uncertain (with many more variations) to explain the weather, card games, events occurring during the day/year/holiday and even their feelings. Probability shone through with spinners, dice games, marbles and the good old game of paper/scissors/rock.
BUT... Have you heard of Paper/Scissors/Rock/Lizard/Spock? If no, googgle the Big Bang Theory and view a part of one episode where Sheldon explains this Chance/Probability game. I challenge you to play best of 5 with your child. It's really rather simply...
The longest running Chess tournament is STILL not finished. We have our final to be played between Anika and Jade. Good luck to both these girls. Here are a few fun photos of the Year Sixes playing the ever strategic game of Chess.
By the way, next term we are beginning to write our speeches for graduation as well as learning some very valuable public speaking skills.
Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week.
During the term we spent time learning, reflecting and researching our Indigenous Australians and how over the past 250 years their lives have changed dramatically. The focus of Reconciliation week was ' Be a Voice for Generations'. During Writing our students were focusing on Information reports and we incorporated this focus with newspapers to develop a new newspaper front cover.
What brilliant work our students did in describing and explaining how a very important group of Aboriginal leaders used the own voice to make a change for their people.
On Wednesday 21st of June we spent the afternoon celebrating the work completed during our Inquiry sessions. The students enjoyed creating each element of their work especially their dioramas. The three history focuses were: Change over time / Significant Australians / Journeys to Australia.
The photos below show the work being completed with the ones at the bottom are the expo itself.
Buddies: Year Five - Foundation
Continuing through the semester, our Year Five students have been running short Buddy sessions on a weekly basis. Here we have two groups of students reading a text to the whole group and explaining the days activities. What great little teachers we have!
Volleyball Cup - Upwey High School.
During the term, 4 teams of year five and six students travelled to Upwey High to participate in a Primary Schools Volleyball Cup. We were coached by students in Year Eight, many of who went to Upwey South (amazing see how grown up they are and demonstrating their volleyball skills). Many thanks goes out to Upwey High School for supplying transport, BBQ lunch and plenty of volleyball experiences.
Year 3-6 Electives
During the term, our Year 3-6 Electives have been steam rolling along. Students have been enjoying moving around the school joining with many different students across these year levels. They have been a huge success with all kids getting in there and having some fun. Here are a few more photos of our sessions.
Today your child will be told which elective they will be in for Term Three, how exciting!!!
Calisthenics with Miss Bowles:
Palaeontology with Miss Humphries:
Cooking/no-cooking with Mrs Woollard:
What's happening in TERM THREE...
Planning for next term is well underway, with many fun and engaging things happening that included the whole 5/6 cohort. Two events that we are organising at the moment that will require parent payment include: an excursion to ACMI for our Inquiry unit ( Digital / Media Arts) and our Sexual Education sessions.
These events are on Compass ready for both approval and payment. If you could action these as soon as possible that would be wonderful. If you have any questions related to these events, please email or make contact with your classroom teacher.
Once again Stacey, Melissa and myself would like to express a huge THANK YOU to all the parents and guardians of our students. You have continued to show your support for our school with all the activities and events we run and participate in. Have a well deserved term break. We will see you all on Monday 10th of July for another fantastic term.
Llew Humphries
Timetables - Term Two.
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Physical Education: Wednesday 8.50am - 9.40
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Japanese: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Tuesday 11.50am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Japanese: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Tuesday 11am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Japanese: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am