Mission Awareness

Mission Awareness Trip to Vanuatu 2023

The mission awareness trip to Vanuatu was an incredible experience for all those on team, which included 14 students, two teachers and two representatives from Missionary Ventures Australia. We set out bright and early on June 19th, unsure of what to expect following a three-year Covid related hiatus and tragic devastation wrought by two recent cyclones. Upon arrival, however, we were met with broad smiles and shell necklaces for all, making it clear that our visit, and our school’s twelve-year partnership, were deeply appreciated. Pastor Zebedee, the pastor of Victory Church, had come with others from his church to welcome us and transport us to our accommodation at the Hibiscus Hotel.


Throughout the first week, our students taught at the Victory School of Hope, a school situated in the heart of a slum called Black Sands, half an hour from the nation’s capital of Port Vila. Teaching literacy and numeracy, running science experiments, playing soccer, making crafts and cooking, they taught the primary school classes and the children absolutely adored them. Every evening as we gathered to reflect on our day at the Hibiscus Hotel, our students shared about how much they loved teaching the kids who, despite living in real poverty, were nevertheless playful and happy. They couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between the children's lives in Vanuatu and the comfortable privileges they enjoyed back home in Australia – access to good medical care, abundant food, and decent housing; things often taken for granted.

Ms Hopkins and I are very proud of our students who were diligent in their teaching and who sought to brighten the life of every child they encountered, truly being a channel of God’s love. They rose to the challenge of living far from home, in less-than-ideal conditions, and learning how to roll with the changing of plans that inevitably comes with international travel.

In addition to serving, we also had the great privilege of participating in a cultural wedding for Pastor Zebedee’s daughter, snorkeled the colourful coral reefs at Hideaway Island, swam at the stunning Blue Lagoon, and danced on the beach after a mesmerizing fire show. It was wonderful to watch the students slowly become a united team and to see the way they grew in confidence and openness to God throughout the whole trip. We are sure that they were transformed through their experience, and that they will remember this trip for many years to come.


Craig Ogden - Teacher

Reflections on the Thailand Mission Awareness Tour


“An experience you’ll never forget” - nothing can properly describe the surrealness of this trip, but it certainly was an unforgettable experience. Some of the most incredible memories were made with the team, with the people we met, with the kids at Grace House, all the breathtaking views, teaching, laughs, jokes, fun rides, and with the connections that were formed throughout this trip. As I prepared to go on this mission trip, I had so many uncertainties and doubts.  I didn’t know what to expect, so all I could do was to pray, and put this whole trip, the people, the situations, the doubts, into God’s hands. 

The time in Thailand started with a two-day stay in Bangkok, which was followed by a 12-hour bus trip to the Grace House orphanage in Pua, northern Thailand, where we spend the majority of our time.  A personal highlight was visiting the hill tribe community of Phakam.  Whilst we only spent two days in Phakam, it was one of the most meaningful and special parts of the whole mission trip. We drove up in a few separate cars, and everyone came out with fun stories about just the drive up there.  We had the privilege of visiting the local hill tribe school and enjoyed the opportunity to play some games with the kids on our first day in Phakam, and gathered with local families for some time in worship and prayer in the evening.  We also got to hear one of our own teammates share his testimony during the evening, which was incredible. We then handed out care packages to each family before they headed off to their homes.  The next day was a day that I will treasure forever.  We were welcomed into the home of a Christian woman named Ton, where we had the opportunity to worship and pray for her - an incredible experience which created a feeling that all in the team will long remember.


At Grace House we were blessed with the chance to spend much time with the kids who stay there, playing games with them, running craft sessions, participating in devotions and worship with them, and forming new connections and friendships with each of them.  It was an incredibly impactful experience to see and hear everyone in Grace House worship together, and to hear how God has changed the lives of so many people there. From the moment we arrived at Grace House, we were made to feel so welcome, and we were shown such selfless generosity and care by Pi Nok, the amazing woman who runs Grace House.  This same generosity was seen in the kids of Grace House, who on our first night there started giving out their own teddy bears and toys to us – an incredibly touching thing to witness.


Teaching English at local schools formed a significant part of our daytime program. We were welcomed with much grace and generosity at five different schools and had the opportunity to teach English to students from Years 1 to 9, as well as the chance to share the gospel through song, drama performances and the sharing of testimonies.  Teaching these kids was such an honour.  The students were all so willing to engage and learn, and they “Duck, Duck, Goose” - a crowd favourite.  The teaching was where we were tested the most as a team, given the long, hot days at the schools, but everyone in the team helped each other out whenever needed.  At one of the schools we visited, I also had the opportunity to share my own testimony.  This was something I had never done before, but I was so grateful for the opportunity.  I was also impacted by all the other testimonies that were shared, and amazed to hear about all the ways that God has worked in other student’s lives. 


Even though all the big moments and experiences on this whole trip were unbelievable, there were also many little things that helped to make this trip so special. The laughs, the jokes, the new nicknames people inherited, the conversations and the connections formed are the memories that will stay in our hearts forever. Overall, this truly was an “Experience I will never forget”.  I could not possibly explain fully how impactful, unbelievable, fun or phenomenal this trip really was, but my biggest takeaways would have to be the new friendships I had formed, and the growth I had made in my own faith.  Definitely an opportunity that I am beyond grateful for. 


Danika M - student