
Sr Mary Moloney rsm

Dear Members of the Academy Community,


This week is Refugee week and the Justice group have provided a number of opportunities for students in recognition of the importance of this week.  The theme of Refugee week is ‘Finding Freedom’ and students have designed paper doves with their thoughts on what freedom means to them – some very thought provoking responses.


Pope Francis has emphasised that being forced from one’s country by poverty, war, persecution, disaster or climate change, is not a free decision. For the people who are thus forced 

“the important thing is that there always be a community ready to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate everyone.” (Pope Francis May 2023).


I like to think that Academy is such a community. 


The end of term is a particularly busy time for teachers with the marking of examinations and the writing of reports. I thank all teachers for their hard work and dedication to this process and for their constant efforts to encourage and support our students. Parents are asked to read these reports very carefully and enter into dialogue with their daughters regarding the contents. 


It is with pleasure and pride that I alert our parent community to two extraordinary pieces of news about our students.


Nomination for a Logie

We were delighted to hear the news -  the TV series Turn Up The Volume on ABC has been nominated for a Logie for “Most outstanding children’s program”.  

Year 9 student, Mira Russo, has a lead role in this program.  Congratulations and best of luck, Mira. [Mira is on the end on the left hand side]


Presentation at Oxford University

Three of our Year 10 students, Sienna Komarnycki, Serena Barbaro and Emily Roberts, have been invited to present their Year 9 Synergy project, Mental Health in Melbourne to a gathering of academics at Oxford University.  Their virtual presentation will take place next Friday evening 30 June and Academy is only one of two schools across Australia invited to participate in this prestigious event.


We wish the students well and know that they will do us proud! 

Sienna Komarnycki
Serena Barbaro
Emily Roberts
Sienna Komarnycki
Serena Barbaro
Emily Roberts


At the end of a very busy term and at the midway point of the year it is an opportune time  to reflect on our College theme - “Many Voices ONE Community”.  I would like to thank the Senior Student Leadership Team for their extraordinary work in bringing this theme to life with numerous activities.  We look forward to their further unpacking of this theme in Term 3 and beyond beginning with the two cultural days scheduled for week 2.


Congratulations to our six Students of the Term!  The profile of each student can be found later in the Newsletter.


I wish all members of the College community happy and well deserved holidays.


Every blessing,

Sr Mary Moloney rsm 











“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.   Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the 

interests of the others.”  Philippians 2:3-4 


Our World is Large


O Creator, 

Our world is large, and yet the global community is so fragile. 

We glimpse the needs of our sisters and brothers, 

And those needs are great. 

We want to turn away, but you call us back. 

We want simple solutions, 

But you want us to help solve the complex problems. 

Through the gospels, you call us to listen, to learn, to reflect and to act. 

Give us a deep sense of our place in this web of Creation. 

Give us the wisdom of mind and generosity of heart 

To seek your will in the world today. 

Inspire us to respond to the call of Pope Francis 

As he calls us to solidarity with impoverished countries of the world, 

So that all children of God might live in dignity and peace