The Arts

Performing & Visual Arts


Year 7 Music Breakfast Concert


The Year 7 Music Breakfast concert was held on Tuesday 13 June, involving all students from 7 Blue and 7 Green. The concert was well attended by families, friends and staff, in support of these budding beginner musicians. Ms Hocking, assisted by Mr Lo, Mx Burns and Ms Ju, prepared the students to perform with confidence. The ensemble performance began and concluded the concert, conducted by Ms Hocking. This combined class training band, presented recognizable tunes and involved all students playing together whilst following a conductor. Small groups of instruments also played a variety of musical items as taught by their specialist teacher in sectional rehearsals. If any student is interested in joining an Academy music ensemble or enrolling in instrumental music lessons, please contact me by email and I will be more than happy to provide you with the relevant information. 

Ms Mirelle Morris

Co ordinator Instrumental Music