Senior School

Upcoming Activities
Thursday 15 June
Friday 16 June
Kids in Philanthropy workshop, 9am - 12:30pm
Monday 19 - Friday 23 June
Year 10 Careers Experience Program
Monday 19 June
VCE Top Designs, Melbourne Museum excursion
Tuesday 20 June
Year 12 Formal
Friday 23 June
Last day of Term 2, 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 10 July
Term 3 commences
Wednesday 12 July
Semester 1 student reports available on Compass
Monday 7 - Friday 11 August
Sydney Tour - Wind symphony, String orchestra & Senior Jazz Music students
Wednesday 6 September
String Soiree
Good Luck for the GAT!
The GAT is an important test for our Year 12 students and may favorably contribute to their ATAR. Students will sit a 2-hour Literacy & Numeracy exam in the morning and then a 2-hour General Knowledge & Skills exam in the afternoon. There will be a 2 hour break in between to have lunch and to get ready for the afternoon session.
Students are to arrive at the College at 8.30am for a 9am start time.
Students will sit as per the attached seating plan which will be on display at the David Perry Hall and the Senior Centre.
Students are to bring the following items into the GAT:
- An English/Bilingual printed dictionary and scientific calculator can be taken into both sections of the GAT
- Pens, pencils and an eraser.
- DO NOT bring phones or smart watches into the exam, they must be in lockers prior to coming down to the exam location.
Elly Stewart
VCE Excellence in Teaching and Learning Leader
Careers in Early Childhood Education
With an increasing demand for Early Childhood Educators, the Dept. of Education have arranged an Open Day on July 20th for interested Year 10-12 students. The aim is to build the understanding and awareness of pathways and careers in the ECEC sector. The day will include a visit to Childcare centres, Kindergartens and a TAFE.
Reach out to the Careers Team by Friday 16th June if you would like to attend or you have any questions.
Senior School Learning Catch Up
Senior School Learning Catch up now runs every Monday 3.30-4.30pm in A Block for Term 2 for Years 10-12, VCE and VM. This change is to adequately staff Learning Catch Ups and to accommodate all Year levels and programs. Students are to attend Learning Catch Up regardless of completion of the Outcome, once it is on their Compass.
Ramya Annavarapu
Excellence in Teaching and Learning Senior School