What we've been up to...

Capricornia School Sport - Cross Country
MASSIVE congratulations to our 3 students (Logan, Azaria & Dylan) who competed at the Capricornia School Sport Cross Country Trials today!!! They have all been selected to represent our region at the State Championships, in Hervey Bay in July! AMAZING effort!
Senior Secondary Cafe
Our senior students are still creating amazing lunches for staff each Friday. This week's menu: Antipasto platters, vegetable soups, cakes & tea/coffee.
Thank you, seniors, and senior staff - staff are thoroughly enjoying their food each week!
Stay tuned next term - we will be sharing some of their recipes with you in the Newsletter, so you can recreate them at home!
State of Origin dress up day
Last Wednesday, students and staff showed their support by dressing in their state's colours.
Life Education & Healthy Harold
Over the last 2 weeks, we've had Liz & Harold from Central Queensland Life Education visiting our school & teaching our students all things relating to child health & wellbeing.
All classes from Prep to Year 12 participated in fun, engaging and informative sessions in the Life Ed van. They also delivered puberty sessions from their sexual health and relationships program 'Talk About It' in the classrooms.
The sessions work to equip students with knowledge, skills and strategies to:
- recognise body clues and manage emotions that arise in new or challenging situations,
- establish and maintain respectful friendship and relationships,
- make informed decisions about nutrition, hygiene and physical health,
- practise consent and conflict resolution,
- positively navigate puberty and build and develop support networks.
Thank you for visiting us Liz!
Musica Viva
Our students enjoyed the Musica Viva performance in the library last Tuesday! Thank you for coming. Thank you to Helen for organising this amazing performance.
National Simultaneous Storytime
Upper Primary:
On Wednesday 24th May, Upper Primary students participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. This event joins teachers and students all around Australia reading the same book simultaneously at 11am. The book this year was ‘The Speedy Sloth’. Afterwards the students created many different literacy and craft activities, demonstrating what they learned about Sloths and also the meaning of the book, ‘celebrating all winners’. Good job Upper Primary students.
Junior Secondary:
Sorry Day
On Friday 26th May, Upper Primary students participated in activities to commemorate National Sorry Day. Students read the book ‘Sorry Day’, spoke about what feelings the children of the stolen generation may have had, created a paperchain listing the ways they can be friends with each other and made their own reconciliation hands. Well done Upper Primary.