Leadership Report

Dear RNSS Community,
Capricornia Cross Country Trials
Yesterday we had Azaria, Dylan and Logan compete in the Capricornia Cross Country trials. They all ran well & had so much fun. All three were successful in being selected in the Cap Team to go to the State Championship in Hervey Bay in July!!
Congratulations to the students for putting in their all and representing our school so well. We are so proud of you and your results!
P&C Annual General Meeting
The P&C held their Annual General Meeting on Friday 26.05.23 and it was a successful meeting. Myles was elected President again and Jaimi elected as Vice-President. We are still needing to fill both the Treasurer and Secretary, so if you are interested in either position, please make contact with the P&C or the school. Both positions will be supported by the previous position holders until you are competent.
Our next P&C meeting will be on a NEW DAY - Wednesday 21 June at 9am. We would love if you could join us!
Musica Viva
A big thank you to Miss Helen for organising the Musica Viva performances last week. They provided two performances to the primary school and then to the secondary school and the students (and staff) enjoyed dancing and singing along with them.
Culminating Events
As we’re nearing the end of the term, our culminating events are an excellent opportunity for our students to show you all the hard work they have recently achieved. Most of the events are being held next week and we encourage our school community to come and celebrate their work. If you’re unaware of when your student’s culminating event is, please contact your child’s teacher via SeeSaw.
Teacher Planning Days
This week and next, our teachers are undertaking a day of planning for semester two. This ensures that they are fully prepared and have plans for the content to be taught to our students over the next two terms. We appreciate the school community’s flexibility, while replacement teachers are in place to permit our staff these days.
Next Week at School
Next week we have the opportunity to recognise and thank our wonderful school cleaners, Jenny, Kandis, Maria and Teresa. Ladies we want to thank you for the continuous hard work, early mornings and late evenings, you put into making our school neat, tidy and clean. You are unsung heroes and we thank you for your commitment to our school.
Just a reminder that next Thursday (15th June) is the Rockhampton Show Day. The school will be closed, so we look forward to seeing everyone back that Friday.
Stop, Drop and Go Zone
It is important to always follow the directions and time limits imposed by road signs near schools, and to remain courteous to your fellow motorists. Our ‘Stop, Drop and Go’ zone allows a two minute to drop off or pick up passengers, but you must not leave your vehicle other than to open the doors for passengers.
For ‘Stop, Drop and Go’ zones to work safely and efficiently, it is important to stick to a number of rules including:
- If your child is not waiting for you and you have exceeded 2mins, leave the area, to allow other parents to access the zone
- Never remain in the zone for longer than 2mins, and stay with your vehicle
- Ensure your child exits the vehicle on the kerb side, not into the traffic lane
- Do not block intersections or driveway accesses
- Do not stop in a traffic lane impeding the flow of traffic trying to travel through the area
- Move forward in the queue as space becomes available to eliminate the need to perform more difficult parking manoeuvres and
- Remain courteous to other motorists.
We understand that it can be frustrating trying to find a spot in the school car park, which may lead to drivers overstaying their allowed time limit in set-down areas. To alleviate this, you may consider parking outside the school and walking to the gate - this saves the traffic issues, and provides an opportunity for exercise.
We have just over two weeks left of Term 2, let’s make this count!
Kind regards,
Sam, Kate & Alana