School News

NEW - Festival of the Sacred

Congratulations to our grade 5/6s, it was wonderful to see everyone so engaged and absolutely enjoying their entire performance at the Festival of The Sacred. Congratulations also to those who took on special singing and speaking roles. Hailey, Grace, Alana and Ingrid all sang beautifully. Nathan and Sebastian entertained the crowd with their introduction to our individual school item, It’s Raining Sunshine. Thanks to Tessa and Bonnie who sang so beautifully in rehearsals last week but were unwell on the day. All have a bright future in the Performing Arts.

NEW - Winter Appeal - St Vincent de Paul


At Sacred Heart we value the support of volunteers. Over your child/ren’s journey through Primary School there are many opportunities to volunteer and support your child and the school. Please visit the volunteer page on the school website for further information.

NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers

Lunch Orders

Tatura Hot Bread Bakery will be providing the School lunch orders for two days a week. Lunch orders will be available Thursdays and Fridays. Please find below the 2023 price list.

A reminder orders are to be done through the School, not to be dropped off at the Bakery.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Sacred Heart will now only be accepting second hand uniform items as a donation to the school. If families wish to sell items we request that this is done privately. Please see below the current uniform stock available for purchase. If you wish to have a browse of the uniforms or make a purchase, please see Sally in the school office on Tuesday or Wednesday.



School Bag$10.00
Pants (slacks & sports)$5.00
Polo Shirt (short sleeve)$2.00
Polo Shirt (long sleeve)$2.00
Shorts (sports & non-sports)$2.00
Skirt & Skort$2.00