
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team

As we settle into the colder winter months, a great opportunity now presents itself to take a break and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. The holidays though can be difficult for some of our more vulnerable young people and their families. More now than ever it is important that we, as a community, continue to support our loved ones, those arounds us and ourselves


The attached flyer from Headspace highlights some strategies to support your young person during the holidays. This flyer also includes the contact details of a number of mental health services that can be accessed at any time. If you or someone you know of is in need of support, I encourage you to please make use of these valuable services. 


Additionally, the Wellbeing Team also wanted to highlight that the Smile Squad team, from Central Bayside Community Health Services (CBCHS), will soon be offering free dental care to every student at our college. Smile Squad is the Victorian Government school dental program that enables all students to access free dental check-ups, preventive services and treatment. 


Students will be seen at:

Central Bayside Community Health Service Dental Clinic, 

335 Nepean Highway, Parkdale 3195


How to access free dental care 

Parent/carer consent is required before services can be provided. You can sign up to Smile Squad using the following link - https://bit.ly/smilesquadvic



The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is available in 13 languages. Paper copies of the consent form are also available from the college front office. 


Once your completed consent form has been received, the team at Central Bayside will be in touch to arrange an appointment Monday through Friday. For further information, of if you would like to call and make an appointment directly, you can call the Smile Squad team at CBCHS on 8587 0350.


Lastly, the college is excited to have arranged for Katrina Marson to speak with parent's and carers early next term. Katrina is a criminal lawyer, researcher and author who speaks publicly in the area of law reform and policy, as well as relationships and sexuality education. More information, including registration details, will be sent directly via Compass soon.


The Wellbeing Team and I wish you all a safe and relaxing winter break




Jake and the Wellbeing Team.