From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



I’m not sure how but it is halfway through the year! Suddenly reports are upon us. Reports are a different beast than when we were at school. When I was a child an ‘A’ meant you were achieving at level. With the introduction of ACARA and the National Curriculum a five point reporting scale came along. In case you haven’t seen it before the 5 point scale is different to what you might be aware of. In the National Curriculum an A = 12-18mths above standard, B= 6-12mths above standard, C= At standard, D= 6mths below standard, E= 12mths below standard. Rest assured we have a plan in place if your child is below standard. We have a great teaching team who have analysed the data from each child and an amazing specialist team that work to support the classroom teacher to provide targeted support at the point of need to ensure growth in all students. If you have concerns about your child's report, please contact your child's teacher. 


I’m very proud of all our children this term and one of my highlights has been the ongoing relationship between Foundation and Old Timers residential centre. The children travel fortnightly to the centre and share an activity and a snack with their buddies. The older buddies have gone from mild curiosity to asking when the children will be there and the children have gone from caution to excitement. I’m excited to see how these friendships develop.


My next favourite thing from this term has been the crew of children that visit RDA each week. They have developed in confidence and the joy in their accomplishment is a wonder to see. The impact on the learning and wellbeing is beginning to be noticed by all staff. 


Next Wednesday is our NAIDOC celebration and we invite all our families and friends to come and join us. We will be closing our term with a closing Worship and NAIDOC closing. We’d love to see you there. Thanks to Miss Amanda and the NAIDOC committee for all their hard work in this space. 


Finally, a shout out to those who think they may be leaving town in the near future, I remind you that our enrolment contract states you are required to give a full term's notice of your intention to leave. I also ask our families to share with their friends that enrolments for foundation 2024 are open now and there are limited vacancies for other grades as well. 


Have a safe and restful holiday and we look forward to seeing you next term.


Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy