Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Another wonderful term for Boambee Public School, we wish you all a happy and safe holiday period.
From all reports so far the Athletics carnival has been a big success with lots of best efforts and fun had by all. More photos will be out in the next newsletter.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Kayleb Brown - 1L
Wonderful effort with Maths and home learning.
Monique Dootson - 5B
For her perseverance and achievement in reading.
Riley Newell - 2/3RM
For continued commitment to Home Reading in term 2.
Alijah Brown - 5B
Enthusiasm towards reading.
Kieran Magner - 1D
An outstanding response to a difficult situation in the Spelling Bee.
Taz Tweddle - 2B
Being an awesome friend and developing school leader.
Jude Maunder - 6D
Setting an excellent example of what a good reader looks like, on the recent reading excursion.
Harper Morison - 5M
Being an exceptional student leader during morning movement.
Ruby Mee - 4G
Being brave and resilient in the Spelling Bee.
Oscar Brookes - 3P
Always showing kindness and consideration towards all members within our school community.
Vincent Williams - 3P
Being brave and resilient in the Spelling Bee.
Feder van Aggelen- 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Mason McMillan - 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Storm Engel - 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Luke Kocek - 2B
Being an outstanding role-model through positive behaviour and leadership responsibilities.
Tanna Seager - 2H
Consistent effort and focus during Mathematics groups.
Dre Sullivan - 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Rose Gunthorpe - 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Harry Nightingale - 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Nahla Singh - 3P
Outstanding commitment to reading.
Gabby Simpson - 3P
Outstanding commitment to reading.
Harla Gittoes - 4S
Outstanding commitment to reading.
Wesley Foote - 2B
Being an upstander. Sticking up for a peer when they weren't being respected.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.