Health and Personal Development News

Health students have embraced the transition to online learning with flying colours this week.


Year 7 students have continued to focus on identifying their character strengths and how these represent them as a person. I would encourage all family members to take the online survey to identify their own character strengths by accessing the following website This can elicit great conversation surrounding the similarities and differences amongst family members. 


Year 8 students have been developing their knowledge on emotional literacy and recognising their own emotions and the emotional state of others. These skills enable us to develop productive relationships and optimise our mental state. 


Year 9 have been consolidating their knowledge on the dimensions of health and wellbeing by analysing how COVID-19 can impact both individual and community health. 


Years 10 to 12 have remained focused on their learning and have been regularly seeking feedback from their teachers. 


The Health Domain would like to remind students to take breaks away from their screen and keep active. We are please to see all students back in class after the short lock down. 

Angie Fusinato

Health & Personal Development Coordinator