A note from Mr Jackson

Our School Improvement Team met this morning and commented on the positive manner in which students had returned to school. Students are now establishing significant routines that will support them into the year. Thanks to parents and carers for ensuring a positive start to the school day with prompt attendance. Being present at the very start of the day enables students to settle quickly into these rhythms of learning.


Reading Workshops

One of the greatest joys of being a parent is reading with your child. Research has demonstrated again and again the significant impact on student learning when reading is part of a daily routine. Tonight and tomorrow morning, you are invited to attend a special workshop focused on supporting your child with their reading at home. You will be supported with a range of resources and strategies to use with your child at home. If you are eager to attend please make a call to the office and book your place.


Shady STEM Garden!

Many students in the Prep and 5/6 area have had their noses pressed up against the windows of their rooms watching the installation of our new shade sails. Don’t hesitate to catch a glimpse of our new sails in the school colours that enable this space to be used for extended periods of time. 


Working Bee Thanks

A special thanks to all those who gathered on Friday evening to move 20m³ of soft fall. Their hard work made sure that our playgrounds are safe. It was great earlier this week to hear and see the children play and celebrate the difference it made to their play time. We look forward to sharing in other working bees throughout the year.


Again, if you would like to continue to ensure our outside spaces are neat and tidy, please consider joining our mowing roster. All you need is a mower, some hard shoes, earmuffs and some time over the weekends. To add your name to the list simply leave your name and number at the office for Mark Etheridge.


Volunteers Welcome

Thanks for those parents and carers who have taken up the invitation of volunteering in classrooms. Details on how to become a volunteer at Rosanna Primary are available in the Compass Newsfeed. If you have any questions please speak with your child's classroom teacher.


Uniforms and Lost Property

I encourage parents to ensure that items of clothing and drink bottles are clearly labelled with each child’s name. In our fluctuating weather, jackets, jumpers and hats are always coming off and often picked up across the playground at the end of the day. A name will ensure that an item finds its way back to an owner. Any unlabelled clothing will end up in the lost property cupboard near the Library deck. 


Student Leadership Assembly

We look forward to celebrating our remarkable student leaders who have stepped up to take on a range of responsibilities this year. Students who have been nominated as Junior School Counsellors and Sustainability Agents for this semester will receive their badges at assembly tomorrow. Our School Captains and House Captains, along with our Sustainability and JSC executive will also be presented their 2021 leadership badges. These students will continue to give voice to our student body and shape our school community. We thank them for being vulnerable enough to step forward and offer themselves as leaders in our community. Parents of these students are invited to join us for afternoon tea at 2:30pm in Chandler Hall prior to the 3:00pm assembly.