Wellbeing/Curriculum News

Senior M - Term 1 

Here is a little of what has been going on in Senior M this term!


In Religious Education, we are learning more about the significance of the season of Lent and how Christians spend this time preparing for the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.  We are following Jesus’ footsteps as we head towards the events of Holy Week.  At this time we are also beginning to learn our roles for the Holy Week liturgy, which we will celebrate as a school on the last day of Term 1.



In Maths we have moved on from our unit on Place Value and now focus on the area of Time.  We are learning about analogue and digital time, as well as am/pm, 12/24hr and calculating elapsed time.  We are working in small groups with work designed to meet our individual needs as highlighted in our Time pre test.  (To support this learning at home, please ask your child to tell you the time - including am or pm, convert between 12hr and 24hr time, and ask questions like:  What will the time be in 25mins?  If MAFS (tv show) starts at 7:30pm and goes for 90 minutes, what time will it finish?  If I have to heat my lasagne up for 2mins, how many seconds would that be? Etc.)


(Senior M students hard at work in the ‘shared area’ alongside Senior C students)


In Reading we have spent a few weeks increasing our reading comprehension by improving the skill of ‘making connections’.  We have been learning to make deep text to text, text to self and text to world connections. It can be challenging sometimes, but we have worked hard to learn and challenge ourselves. On Thursdays we are participating in Literature Circles, just like Book Clubs we read and talk about the book in small groups. 




Our Writing focus is coming to an exciting climax!  Students are busy writing their persuasive pieces that will be used to present a 1 minute speech.  We have looked into the language features of persuasive writing, including the use of emotive language, exaggeration and cause and effect.  We will build our speaking and listening skills in the lead up to these presentations.




In our Inquiry unit ‘What’s your story’ we have defined Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers - please ask your child to explain the difference between each group of people.  We have looked at the reasons why people born in other countries now live in Australia.  Students can classify these reasons as push and pull factors.  Together we are creating a timeline of the history of migration to Australia.



We have moved on from Basketball in Sport and we are now starting to focus on Athletics.  Although our Twilight Sports won’t be until Term 4, we have Cross Country in Term 2 to prepare for.  We have begun our Athletics unit supporting Mr Puls’ teachings in P.E. around ‘throwing activities’.  Students have been throwing a range of equipment, including balls of different sizes, vortexes and foam javelins.  Good luck to all Seniors at Interschool Sports on Thursday (18th March).

As always, thanks for your support and please feel free to send us an email or give us a call if you have any questions or concerns about your child and their learning.

Kind regards

Jarrod and Julie



Sports Uniform

All children are permitted to wear sports uniform and runners on the days they have sport only.  School shoes must be worn with school uniform on the other three days of the week. Black runners do not count as school shoes. White socks are to be worn with both sport and school uniform for both girls and boys.  Girls can wear navy tights with their winter tunic.

Sports days this term:

Senior M - Tuesday and Friday

Senior C  -  Tuesday and Friday

Middle C -  Monday and Friday

Junior TG - Thursday and Friday

Junior D  -  Thursday and Friday