R.E. News

By Sonia Costa


By Sonia Costa

During Lent we are often asked to “Give Up” something. As a child I was encouraged to give  up lollies, chocolate or watching TV. But this Lent why don’t we focus on “giving up” attitudes instead. Read on….


What to Give Up...

Give up complaining... focus on gratitude

Give up pessimism... become an optimist

Give up harsh judgments... think kindly thoughts

Give up worry... trust Divine Providence

Give up discouragement... be full of hope

Give up bitterness... turn to forgiveness

Give up hatred... return good for evil

Give up negativism... be positive

Give up anger... be more patient

Give up pettiness... become mature

Give up gloom... enjoy the beauty that is all around you

Give up jealousy... pray for trust

Give up gossiping... control your tongue

Give up sin... turn to virtue

Give up giving up... hang in there!

I have included a link to the Project Compassion home page which will take you to feature stories. These stories show how the money raised through Project Compassion assists communities in need.

Margaret's Story

Important Dates:

Whole School Holy Week Celebration

Thursday April 1st 12:30 - 1:30

All invited.


Sunday Mass  

During Term 1 each class at St Kevin’s School is allocated the gospel reading for the following weekend’s mass. In Religious Education lessons the gospel is read and discussed with the students to unpack its meaning and message. Then each class designs a poster which reflects their understanding of this gospel. The poster is displayed at church, and on the parish website. This week it was the Senior Classes turn and here is their work which reflects the gospel ofJohn 3:14-21.


Father Gerry has asked that I remind you of the parish website which has fabulous articles, children’s activities. Also each week in the Family Page and Fun Worksheetssection of the website there are links to that weekend's Gospel activities. There are two gospel links: one for the juniors and one for the seniors. These activities can be downloaded and printed or just viewed. These worksheets will help the children understand the gospel message for that particular reading.



Please take a look at the Parish Newsletter too. There is lots of great information and inspiration in this document each week.