Art News



What a fantastic start we have made in the Art Room in 2021. Students began the year by contributing to our whole school Mural which is now displayed vibrantly in the Art Room. Our theme was ‘We are all different fish but in this school we swim together’. Each student created their own unique fish to be a part of the Mural, 636 fish in total!



Foundation students have settled into the Art Room beautifully. The first project they undertook was creating a self portrait and some fantastic drawing skills were to be seen! Next, students learnt all about two of the art elements of Line and Colour to create some colourful and creative monsters! They have demonstrated fantastic art skills and even enjoyed their first ‘Gallery Walk’. 


In Year 1 and 2, students have been exploring the process of creating Self Portraits. We have investigated famous artists self portraits including, Frida Kahlo, Amedeo Modigliani and Paul Klee. For some artists, self portraits are a way of documenting how they see themselves and how they want others to perceive them. For others, it’s all about experimentation and trying new things. All students have done an amazing job learning how to draw a face accurately and adding some crazy hair designs as we explored the art elements of Line and Shape.


Year 3 and 4, students have also been exploring self portraits. We focused on skill development when drawing our faces and how to accurately create each facial feature. Students then had a lot of fun with an ink blowing technique to create their hair. The final step involved students cutting out their self portraits and gluing them onto their ink-hair backgrounds.


Year 5 and 6 have dived straight into exploring some artists including Wassily Kadinsky and Jasper Johns. We used the knowledge and skills about these artists to inspire some woven artworks that became the backgrounds to the self portraits. Students learnt that Kadinsky had a rare condition called Synesthesia which meant that he saw colours and images when he heard music. We also looked at the way Jasper Johns liked to use everyday icons such as the alphabet in his artwork. Students then drew their faces onto tissue paper and glued them onto their backgrounds. Final touches were added with Poscas and acrylic paint.

Keep an eye out on Seesaw for all these amazing artworks as students begin uploading their work to share with you!


Also, a big shout out and thank you to the Art Captains Lara and Abi who have demonstrated strong leadership in getting the Lunchtime Art Club up and running smoothly. They’re not doing it alone though and have already gathered a team to support them in this role. They have also proven invaluable by checking in each day to see if there’s any jobs they can help out with around the Art Room…AMAZING, well done!

Fantastic effort by all the awesome Ocean Grove artists! Keep up the great work. 

Ms. Vranken & Ms. Thompson