
Performing Arts

In Performing Arts this term, our Years Three to Six students are learning to make music together, through a series of drumming circle and group percussion activities. This helps the students to build connections with new faces in their classroom, learn a bit more about one another, begin to build confidence in their music practices and develop team working skills. We have focused this term on turn taking, sharing and listening to each other, while also giving the students opportunities to perform short rhythmic solos.


There are many musical benefits to drumming circles to establish our knowledge of beat, rhythm and dynamics (volume). Here are some of the drumming games we enjoy playing in the Performing Arts room and some of the anchor charts we use to help us remember technique and vocabulary. 





In this game, the students do a light tap on the drum with their finger tips. The leader gives a non-verbal cue to each student and they place one loud sound in the middle of their drum. To change leaders the students roll their arms and use another non-verbal cue to find a new leader. 


This week in Performing Arts we have extended this game to include improvised solo's. The children can either use the one firework sound we have practiced previously or share an unplanned rhythm on their instrument. To acknowledge the students solo's we echo back the rhythm to the student in rhythm, dynamic and technique. 


We have been extremely impressed with the quality of student rhythms this week and the students willingness to share their music with others! Keep up the great work everyone!