Assistant Principals Report


By Mrs Sue Coffey - Curriculum Development and Leadership

9th March Curriculum Day - Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST) and Pedagogy of Assessment


In the morning session GWPS staff participated in Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST). This session was facilitated by Koorie Engagement Support Officers, Angela and Colleen and they were supported by an Aboriginal Elder, Aunty Irene Norman.


The training is part of The MURRUNG – Aboriginal Education Plan 2016 – 2026, which aims to ensure that Koorie (Victorian Aboriginal) families, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people from other parts of Australia who live in Victoria, have access to all education and development services, enabling every child to be successful in education and their ambitions for life. 


The term MARRUNG is a Wemba Wemba word for the Murray Cypress pine tree, representing branches of education and knowledge.


Together the staff learnt about; the Kulin Nations which are the 5 tribes that populated Melbourne, an overview of Aboriginal History, significant Aboriginal people who had a substantial impact on our society, and commemorative and celebration days that occur each year. 


This learning is incredibly important as many Australians have limited knowledge of Australian History. Historically we have been exposed to the English version of Captain Cook’s discovery and colonisation. Very little has been taught about the Aboriginal people, their way of living and the sophistication of their society, which is shameful considering the Aboriginal people have been living in Australia for more than 60,000 years.  


The Victorian Curriculum has Aboriginal history and culture woven through its domains. At GWPS we have mapped these learning opportunities into our Integrated Inquiry Curriculum and we will build on our knowledge and understanding to create meaningful learning for all students. We pride ourselves for our inclusive learning environment and will continue to work hard to ensure we develop cultural awareness and understanding for all. 


The afternoon session involved staff learning about the Pedagogy of Assessment. By this we mean the practice of assessment and how we develop this practice to ensure all students are being taught at their point of need. 


Moderation of students learning in Writing and Maths was the focus. Staff collaboratively reviewed a writing sample and determined where we would place the child on the learning continuum, and what the next steps for learning might be. This process of moderation skills our teachers in the curriculum and the expectations for achievement. 


We also focused on student learning conferences and the creation of common questions for each year level, for the purpose of collecting student data that assist the teacher to plan future learning and supports the creation of appropriate learning goals. Level Teams will collect data from the student conferences and workshop appropriate supports to ensure the children are challenged and growing as learners. 


The Curriculum Day provided a wonderful opportunity to build the capacity of all staff and enabled collaborative learning through assessment that will benefit all students.