Parents & Friends (P&F)

TERM 2 2022
Dear Families
Thank you so much for your amazing contributions to our school community in Term 1. It’s been a fun-filled term! We will have the full rundown of monies raised in Term1 at the beginning of Term 2.
Our collection baskets were overflowing with chocolates for the Easter Raffle. Thanks to Becky, Nel, Kelly and Trish for packaging the hampers ahead of the raffle. Best of luck with the draw!
Term 2
There is a lot happening in Term 2! We will celebrate Mother’s Day on Friday 6th May with our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast and Raffle.
Mother's Dy Raffle PrizesWe have lined up some fabulous raffle prizes already. Here is a taste of some of the prizes:
All About You
Full Signature Treatment valued at $140
3 x Stunning Prints
10 x Group Sessions valued at $240
Mother's Day Gift
We’ve also got your Mother’s Day gift covered. It’s top-secret and not for mum’s eyes, so we’ll send out the details on operoo at the start of next term.
Silent Disco/Cheese & Wine
Also, the children can look forward to a Silent Disco on 16th June with Party Higher whilst parents and caregivers enjoy a cheese and wine evening. There will be a dress down day the next day and PJs can be worn to school!
Parents and Caregivers Social Night
Dates TBC but we are planning a parent and caregiver social night in Term 2, so start thinking about who you are going to ask to mind the kids.
Have a wonderful Easter break with your families. See you in Term 2.
P. S. The next P&F meeting is Tuesday 26th April at 7 pm in the school hall. All welcome.
Tuesday 26th April | First Day of Term 2
P&F Meeting Join us for the P&F meeting. |
Wednesday 4th May | Athletics Carnival A lovely evening to come together and watch the children in our Twilight Athletics Carnival. |
Friday 6th May | Mother’s Day Breakfast & Raffle Join our very popular St Joseph’s Mother’s Day breakfast specially prepared for you by St Joseph’s parents. We will have a wonderful selection of prizes in our Mother’s Day Raffle. |
Friday 20th May | Milkshake Friday The P&F will be making milkshakes that can be purchased during snack time. |
Tuesday 24th May | P&F Meeting Join us for the P&F meeting |
Friday 10th June | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Monday 13th June | Public Holiday |
Thursday 16th June (TBC) | Silent Disco/Parent’s Cheese & Wine The children will enjoy a silent disco (they will wear headphones and choose a music station to listen and dance to) whilst the parents gather to enjoy some wine and cheese |
Friday 17th June | PJ FridayAfter dancing the night away at the Silent Disco, you can wear your PJs to school for a gold coin donation. |
Monday 20th June | Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 21st June | P&F Meeting Join us for the P&F meeting. |
Friday 24th June | Last Day of Term 2 |
TBC | Parents and Caregivers Social Night Book a babysitter and join the St. Joseph’s parents and caregivers for an evening out. |
Class Reps for 2022
Prep - Bridgette Conway
Grade 1/2 - Bianca Hodgson
Grade 3 - Fleur Harber
Grade 4 - Michelle Sweeney
Grade 5/6 - Nel Els