COVID Update

Health Settings Update for Term 2

Dear School Community,


In Term 2 2022, Kinross Wolaroi School will operate with a number of COVID protections that have been developed by NSW Health to minimise transmission and keep schools open.


These key measures include:

  • rapid antigen testing (RAHT) of students and staff who have COVID-19 symptoms or are identified as close contacts
  • vaccinations
  • maximising ventilation
  • encouraging regular hand washing and continuing enhanced cleaning of schools
  • assessing risk and applying appropriate safeguards across activities and events
  • learning from home where face-to-face learning is not possible.

In certain circumstances COVID protections may be temporarily reintroduced. The Principal will work with NSW Health and AISNSW and provide further details of any changes to COVID protections when required. These temporary measures may include:

  • ceasing large indoor gatherings
  • ceasing off-site and inter-school activities
  • mask wearing for adults and high school students
  • limiting visitors to schools
  • separating cohorts of students
  • surveillance use of RAHTs
  • learning from home or remotely.

Close contacts attending school

The announcement to ease the isolation requirements for close contacts was made on 20 April 2022. This will enable students and staff who are close contacts and have no symptoms to continue to attend school if they follow guidelines set by NSW Health. 

Note that staff and students who have had confirmed COVID-19 in the last 12 weeks do not have to comply with the following guidelines if they become a household or close contact and are not required to self-isolate or test unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms.


What is the current definition of a household/close contact?

A household contact is a person who lives with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

A close contact is someone who has been formally notified by NSW Health that they are a close contact.


What are the requirements for household/close contacts?

From 6pm on Friday April 22, household/close contacts do not need to self-isolate if they do not have any symptoms but must follow the NSW Health Household and Close Contact Guidelines for 7 days from the last time someone in their household tested positive for COVID-19. 


What happens if a student is identified as a household close contact? Can they attend school during their isolation period?

A student or staff member identified as a close contact should continue to attend school and will need to adhere to the following in addition to the NSW Health guidelines:

  • They must notify the school and/or early childhood education (ECE) service provider (including their outside of school hours care provider) if they are intending to return under this provision.
  • They should conduct a daily RAHT and return a negative result each morning before attending school for 5 school days. 
  • Senior School students must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising. Junior School students are recommended to wear a mask indoors (except when eating or exercising).
  • No student or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to participate in overnight excursions, including school camps.
  • No apprentices, trainees or students on placement or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to attend settings identified as high risk by NSW Health (healthcare, aged care, disability care or correctional facilities)
  • Any visitor to a School site who is a close contact is required to advise the school that they are a close contact before they come on site. These visitors should conduct a daily RAHT and return a negative result before attending. They must also wear a mask indoors at all times. The School may consider if the visit can be conducted virtually.
  • Close contacts will be supported to continue learning or working from home if required.

Notify the School about your Close Contact Status

Students who are notified by NSW Health that they are close contacts should advise the school using this link:


At risk individuals

Students and staff at greater risk of serious illness, if they were to contract COVID-19, should speak with their health care professional to review their health support plan or COVID-19 action plan and speak with the school about any special considerations. 



The School expects to receive an additional direct delivery of RAHT kits to provide to staff and students within the first few weeks of term. This supply will contain 1 multipack for every student and staff member. The RAHT kits can be used for symptomatic testing or for daily testing as part of the close contact requirements. When these arrive you will be advised on how they will be distributed.


Beyond the provision of RATs, symptomatic students and staff should continue to access PCR and store-purchased RATs.


If a student is unwell and has any COVID-19 symptoms, they should always test for COVID-19.


If the test comes back negative for COVID-19, the student should still not return to school until either:

  • The student no longer has any symptoms, or
  • A medical certificate is provided to the school confirming that symptoms are explained by another diagnosis (such as hay fever).

It is important that students do not attend school if they are unwell, even if they have tested negative for COVID-19. Rapid antigen tests can produce false negative results and symptoms of other illnesses can also be similar to COVID-19, including flu, the common cold and stomach bugs. Health advice is that students who are sick should always stay home to rest and recover and avoid putting other students and staff at risk of getting sick.


It is recommended that students and staff that return to school after recovering from COVID-19 do not participate in rapid antigen testing for 12 weeks following release from self-isolation unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms.


Students and staff may receive a nasal or saliva rapid antigen testing kit. All RAHT kits contain instructions on how to use the tests, check results and dispose of the tests safely. Parents, carers and staff can also download user guides of the relevant test they have received through the Therapeutic Goods Administration website. The user guides contain a contact number for the suppliers for additional support. People using saliva testing kits must not eat or drink for 30 minutes before taking the saliva RAHT, to give more accurate results.



Masks after isolation period

In line with advice from NSW Health, masks are now recommended for students and staff who have recovered from COVID-19, completed their 7-day isolation period and are no longer showing symptoms for an additional 3 days (from days 8 – 10 after receiving a positive COVID-19 result).


Are masks still required indoors?

Students are not required to wear masks indoors at School but it is strongly recommended that they do, particularly during the winter months. The School will continue mandatory mask wearing indoors for all staff in Term 2.


Are students and staff required to wear masks on public transport/ school buses?

Masks continue to be mandatory on public transport. This applies to students aged 12 years and older, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered or private transport services.



The NSW Health changes to the close contact rule enables boarding students to not only remain in boarding, but to attend school and remain connected to their learning. RAHT testing of boarders for management of COVID close contacts or surveillance will continue to be managed by the boarding house and families will be advised when this occurs. As a result, boarding families will not need to be issued with RAHT tests.

If you have any questions regarding boarding and COVID, please contact your child’s Head of House for further information.



All students, staff and their families should follow NSW Health’s advice to reduce the risk of not only COVID-19, but also other illnesses that may affect schools this winter such as the flu:

  • stay home if unwell
  • keep up to date with vaccinations – including the flu vaccine, which is available from your local GP, pharmacy or Aboriginal Medical Service. Flu vaccines are free for all children aged 6 months to under 5 years, or for a small charge for those aged 5 years and older
  • get tested immediately for COVID-19 if you become symptomatic and isolate until you receive a negative result or are symptom free
  • practice good hand hygiene by washing regularly with soap and water
  • take a RAHT before visiting vulnerable loved ones or going to large gatherings and events.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support and cooperation.


With best wishes


Dr Andrew Parry

Principal – Kinross Wolaroi School


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