Prep-2 Sector 



Last week the Prep students got to meet their Grade 6 buddies. We had lunch in the Agora and got to know each other. Some Grade 6 students even made cards for their buddies which was a thoughtful idea and the preps really loved it.

The following week we had fun supporting the Worlds Greatest Shave by having a crazy hair and casual clothes day. We watched Natasha in Year 9 get her hair cut by Ms Karras over Zoom and had an awesome fun day. The preps concluded the day by making leaves for their kindness tree which is displayed on the window next to Prep C.

The Prep students have worked very hard this term and deserve a big rest on the holidays. We congratulate them on their fantastic efforts and can’t wait to continue the learning in Term 2.

The Prep Team

Year 1

This term the years 1’s have been writing recounts. We have been participating in experiences as a class and then writing about them. We have watched some ‘How to draw’ videos on YouTube and drawn some pretty awesome things. We have also made some arts and crafts pictures. We have enjoyed writing about our experiences and including the when, where, who, and what in our sentences. 

In maths we have been looking at numbers and practising our counting. We have been using unifix blocks to make towers of tens and trying to draw larger numbers in our books in their towers of ten. This helps us draw and count our larger numbers quicker to help us get more practise. 

In Science we have been looking at Physical change in materials. We have been looking at all the different ways we can change a newspaper. Some of the changes have been looking at are folding it, scrunching it, cutting it, and rolling it. We have been using these types of change to help us create a chair for a bear. Students have been working in small groups to create a chair that will be able to hold a small bear without falling over. We have had so much fun working together and seeing what can be created. 

Year 2

The Year Two teachers have been very pleased with how well the students have been working and know that all students will be looking forward to the holidays soon. It is fantastic that we have had a much more settled start to the year.



In Reading, we are progressing with our InitiaLit program. We have started learning about Persuasive Texts and how the author tries to persuade the reader to believe their opinion. In Spelling, we have looked at some different spelling choices and learnt some more tricky words.



In Writing, students have shown a great improvement in their Recount Writing and are able to describe events that have happened over the weekend. We are now beginning to learn about writing friendly letters.



In Maths, we have been learning about the months of the year, the seasons and how to read and interpret a calendar. Students have enjoyed learning a song about the Months of the Year too. This song helps them to remember how many days in each month. Next week we will also be learning about 3D shapes.



Students have enjoyed our Earth Science topic about Water. They have been learning about the Water Cycle, how our waterways can be polluted and are beginning to create a poster about Ways to Save Water. 


Play Based Learning

Students are also very excited about our Easter theme in Play Based Learning. We have been busy making Easter baskets and Easter Bunny Ears. Students are really looking forward to wearing their Easter Hats at the Easter Bonnet Parade next Monday. 



Here is the year 2B photo celebrating the work we did for anti bullying week.