Student Group
Next term we will welcome our new "Student Sustainability Group" . This positive and enthusiastic group worked together at our recent leaders day and shared many ideas with each other. I look forward to watching their progress over the year.
Foil chocolate wrappers
This Easter, the foil wrapper from your chocolate bunny or eggs could become the aluminium in a can of soft drink. Aluminium foil can be recycled in your yellow lid bin – just make sure it’s rolled into a ball shape. This stops small pieces of foil getting lost in the recycling process.
Wait until you have a lot of foil to recycle, roll it up at least as big as a tennis ball and pop it in the yellow lid bin.
With the foil wrappers all scrunched up together, no one will ever know how much Easter chocolate you’ve eaten!
Celebration time...
On Wednesday the early years students celebrated a term of learning and growing in their garden. We made and ate delicious pizza.
This term we have planted vegetables, plants to soften our nature play area, a few trees and sensory plants and some colorful flowers.
We have also learnt about recycling with the help of our visit from Jess from Cleanaway. Our 2 classes are now great recyclers with very little rubbish going to landfill each day.
Next term we will continue to watch our vegetables grow and plant some autumn bulbs....