Hello from 3/4 Koalas

What a wonderful start to 2022 the Koalas have had! Although term 1 was a whirlwind, we have quickly settled back into term 2, ready for another crazy 10 weeks of fun-filled learning.


In English, we focused on being fluent readers in term 1, by reading as a class and with a partner. We learnt that reading has many layers. We are able to sound out words we are unfamiliar of, and we can also read as great storytellers. This term, we will continue to focus on fluency and peeling the extra layers of our reading levels by using different voices and tones to make our story-telling more appealing. We will also look closely at unfamiliar words which we call our tier 2 words and unpack their meaning as a class. Vocabulary will become a big focus during reading this term so we can branch our knowledge and support our comprehension skills. This term in writing we are unpacking how to persuade our audience, using our knowledge of persuasive devices to do so. Watch out adults, we have some strong opinions and can very well convince you with knowledgeable facts!


In Mathematics, we have been focusing on a variety of different strategies to help us learn in different ways. Using our Anita Chin write and wipe sleeves makes mathematics super fun and easy to understand. In term 2, we will continue focusing on whole numbers and continue to build our skills in using a variety of different strategies. 


We have also enjoyed music on Thursday's with Mark. This term, we will continue to learn the different chords on a guitar and hopefully be able to play a song for you all.


We are a very supportive bunch in 3/4 Koalas. We have our routines set and very high expectations with our work. We are all aiming to get our pen license by the end of the year. 


We will continue to thrive this year and have fun along the way. 


Miss Fatima Khaika

3/4 Koalas Classroom Teacher