Aboriginal Education

National Reconciliation Week 2022

Flag Walk for School Children – Monday 30 May 2022


National Reconciliation Week is celebrated across Australia every year between 27 May and 3 June to promote and celebrate the shared journeys of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the non-Indigenous communities of Australia.


To mark this annual celebration, Shellharbour City Council proudly hosts the Reconciliation School Flag Walk, which involves all schools across the City and the local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities.


The event will incorporate the flag walk, a Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony, Dance, as well as an official exchange of flags with Elders, Civic Leaders, Community and school flag bearers.


The day will finish with a free BBQ lunch for students and Community members.


Event details:


Location:                  Pelican View Reserve in the playground adjacent to Picnic Island, Reddall Reserve West, Lake Illawarra

Date:                          Monday 30 May 2022

Start time:                 9.30am assembly for a 10am start

Finish time:              approx 1pm


Windang Public School will provide more information on the event in the coming weeks.

Supporting Aboriginal Students 

Supporting Aboriginal students (nsw.gov.au)




Sleep stories from First Nations storytellers

"We sleep and dream on First Nations lands. We acknowledge all First Peoples and celebrate their enduring connections to Country and stories. We thank Elders and Ancestors who watch over us and guide our communities".

Listen at: dreamysleep.com.au


Aboriginal Significant Dates Calendar

Aboriginal Significant Dates Calendar (nsw.gov.au)