At School
English Year 8
Year 8 English students created picture books teaching children about resilience and determination. They are currently on display at the Castlemaine Library, pop in and take a look at these beautiful works of art! The picture books:
- Include literary techniques including extended metaphor;
- Are related to the theme of resilience and determination;
- Have a clear moral;
- Include images and colour supporting the overall message.
Congratulations to the Year 9/10 Tennis students who represented the school proudly and won the Kel Pell Perpetual trophy for the overall Boys Tennis Champions.
- Xavier Abicare, Jacob Juriansz, Cielo Demaria-O’Sullivan, Boriss Bendrups, Jasper Saulwick & Nyah Heinrich
Meanwhile, although not winning a game the Year 9/10 cricket students played with great spirit and effort and should be congratulated (on a side note if anyone teaches Archie Rixon congratulate him on his hat-trick it was well deserved). I would also like to thank Anthony Van Emmerick for assisting on the day and for being an outstanding coach/team manager in guiding the tennis students to victory and winning the Kel Pell Perpetual trophy for overall champions and for Noah Thompson who umpired the Cricket games. Well done to all! (Brendan O’Donnell)
2022 Steiner Melbourne Camp
I really enjoyed going ‘The Loom’ because it was nice and relaxing. It was a nice thing to do at the end of the day. We got about an hour to explore the exhibition. Van Gogh’s pictures were projected all around the room including the floor. It was quite weird to lie on the ground while the projections were moving, it felt I was moving.
I really liked when we got free time to go around Melbourne, it was fun to do what we want. I also enjoyed going to ACMI, it was cool seeing all these different inventions and playing some of the old Arcade games. One bad thing was I got scared for life when we went to the rising gallery by Patricia Piccinini. All up, it was a good camp and a lot better than some of my previous camps.
I LiKEd ThE dUde Who CaMe AnD danced hAlf wAY ThroUgh ThE sTreeT arT ToUR. He WaS AwEsOME aT dancing AnD I fEeL As ThoUGH pEoPLE DIdn’T ApPreICiaTe HiS dancing. ThEy WeRE vEry gRoOVy MoveS AnD HE Had sOme AwesoME tunES.
Some of my favourite parts of the Melbourne camp were the stencilling course, the Ian Potter centre art tour and the various places we went for dinner. I especially enjoyed the stencilling/street art as the people were friendly and taught us a lot about the techniques people use to create stencils.
On Melbourne camp I enjoyed going to the van Gogh light show, it was really cool seeing all his art on such big screens and it was a surreal experience. I also had fun watching the Batman movie except when I had to pay six dollars for a choc top, but probably my favourite was going to the Melbourne Zoo where I went to the butterfly house and also saw elephants and baboons.
I liked going to ArtVo and taking cool pictures with my friends, it was lots of fun finding the right angles to take the pictures and see the illusions come to life. I also really enjoyed the diner we went to on Thursday night and I thought it was really cool when the waiters danced.
I enjoyed the camp a lot, it was really fun being allowed to get free time doing what we wanted to do at times. It was very interesting going to all the different art museums and galleries. It was fun going to ACMI and seeing all the inventions. The one thing I didn’t like was the gallery called ‘Rising’- it scared me. Overall I had a really fun time.
Year 10 and 11 Drama excursion- ‘Midsummer’
Year 10 and 11 Drama students travelled to Bendigo, Thursday 17th March, to view a performance of ‘Midsummer’, a re-contextualized version of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer night’s dream’.
Originally scheduled as an outdoor performance, the production was moved to an indoor venue at the Bendigo Showgrounds, due to wet weather.
An excellent production and a great example of ensemble theatre.
Darren Lowe- Drama Teacher.