Principal's message
Reflection on Term 1
Term One was a very positive beginning to 2022 for our College, transitioning from two very disrupted years of learning. The vast majority of our students have established excellent routines that have supported very high levels of attendance and a positive learning focus during class time. On-site learning has enhanced our positive student-teacher relationships, which has been particularly evident during mentor classes. Families are reminded that the mentor teacher is the main point of contact between home and school.
Our focus on the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) has continued, with some new staff beginning their training. BSEM is a trauma-informed approach to learning, with the overarching theme of ‘unconditional positive regard.’ We are continually striving to embed a consistently applied approach that allows all students to thrive in a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Teachers have continued their work reviewing our curriculum, developing and refining our documentation in line with the Victorian Curriculum and our School-Wide Instructional Model. During Term Two students will begin to learn more about the specific phases of our model (CIRAR - Connect, Introduce, Reinforce, Apply and Reflect). This model will improve consistency of practice across the College. During Term Two teachers will focus on the Introduce component of the lesson, which includes the use of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria. Learning Intentions provide a clear focus for the class and Success Criteria provide clarity for what work needs to be completed during the lesson. An outline of our instructional model has been displayed below.
Ideally, students should have attendance above 95%, which is no more than 2 days absent per term. Students who achieved attendance above 95% will be presented with Attendance Certificates in assemblies during the first few weeks of Term 2. If families need assistance to maintain high attendance with their child / children, please contact the mentor teacher to discuss supportive strategies.
Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday 26 April
All families are reminded of the interviews that are occurring on the first day of Term Two. Last year the online interview format was very successful for our College, receiving significant positive feedback from families. The majority of the feedback focussed around the convenience of conducting the interviews from home or work, and being able to quickly transition from one interview to the next.
Please see XUNO News for more information about the interview process. If you experience technological difficulties during the interview day, please contact the College and ask to speak to the Information Technology Team.
Athletics Carnival - Friday 29 April
Our College Athletics will be held on Friday 29 April, which is the first Friday of Term Two. In previous years attendance at our carnivals has been quite low, particularly with senior students. Therefore, this year we are trialling a significantly different approach, which is outlined below.
- The event will be held at the Bendigo Athletics Track (Retreat Road)
- Year 7-8 students - it will be a compulsory event (no classes will operate for these year levels)
- Year 9-12 students - students internding to participate have been given the opportunity to sign-up during mentor classes. Only students who have signed-up will be attending, normal classes will operate for these year levels.
- The marshalling of events will be supported by the Bendigo Athletics Club.
We believe this approach will enhance junior student engagement and reduce disruption to VCE classes.
Staffing Update
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Brad Campbell who will be joining our Mathematics and Science Learning Areas from the beginning of Term Two. Brad is a very experienced teacher, who has previously taught at Wallan Secondary College and more recently The Lakes South Morang College.
Brad is replacing Trish Kelleher and Sam Curtin who were backfilling Brad who was unable to start at CSC until Term Two.
We also welcome Kate Sims to our teaching staff, who will be working in the Food Technology area. Kate is an extremely experienced teacher, who previously worked at Kyneton High School. Kate will be with our team until the end of 2022.
Thanks to Jenny Larsen who has backfilled the Food Technology classes during Term One, after the resignation of Stephen Parsons. I am very grateful for the dedication Stephen displayed whilst at CSC, working in the Food Technology and Woodwork areas. Stephen has decided to focus on completing his Masters in Education and he also plans to spend some time with his family in England.
Martin Mielimaka will continue in the Acting Assistant Principal role for Term Two. The substantive position will be advertised during Term Two, with this position beginning from Term Three.
NAPLAN Testing Schedule
Families of Year 7 and 9 students would already be aware of NAPLAN which is occurring from Tuesday 10 until Friday 20 May. This information has been distributed via XUNO News during Term One. We are encouraging all students in Year 7 and Year 9 to participate, which provides the College with important literacy and numeracy data, Please see XUNO News for the importance of this information.
Week 1: Tuesday 10 - Friday 13 May
Week 2: Monday 16 - Friday 20 May