Grade 5/6 Students 

Celebrating our fantastic Fives and sensational Sixes!

5/6A - Miss Lee

5/6B - Mr Sankovic

The students of 5/6B have had a busy start to the term. In writing we looked at wowing the reader with incredible opening paragraphs. We started with brainstorming words to describe a haunted house and then used those words to help describe the setting for our story. Following this, students began to move into describing characters and building upon an engaging opening.

Sarah Z
Sarah Z
Isla S
Isla S

5/6 - Mrs George

Everyone in 5/6C has had a great start to Term 2. We too have been focusing on Narrative writing and ensuring that we have a fabulous introduction, which will hook the reader in and ensure that they will want to continue reading the story. see below some examples of outstanding descriptive writing. Well done to all students in 5/6C on completing this activity.




5/6D - Mr Jared

Setting the standard in our class when showing dedication and organisation in their learning.

Kyrienn B and Valeria S
Kyrienn B and Valeria S

Working hard to find evidence in the text when completing literature circle roles. Well done!

Suchitha M
Suchitha M