Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Mr E

What a busy start to Term 2! We have already investigated the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts, constructed our own analogue clocks and written letters to a family member. The students have enjoyed each other’s company and supporting each other in their learning. 

2B - Miss Bailey

Over the past two weeks, 2B have been learning all about the features of fiction and non-fiction books. 2B took on the challenge of sorting through our entire reading corner. We first sorted the books into fiction and non-fiction by looking at the features of each book. We then further sorted them into other categories using authors or similar themes. We found out we have lots of animal and fairy books, as well as a lot of books by some of our favourite authors including Anh Do and Aaron Blabey. 2B are all amazing librarians!

Kitt and Austin C
Kitt and Austin C
Liam and Oscar
Liam and Oscar

2C - Mr K

Grade 2 students have been researching facts about frogs this week. We have then learnt how to use these facts to write a structured Information Report.

Florence G
Florence G
Emily H
Emily H