Leadership @ MPS

ICT update

Students and staff have been absolutely thrilled with the introduction of 260 Chromebooks into our Digital Technology program. These sparkling new devices will provide our students in Grades 3-6 with 1:1 access to a brand-new Chromebook laptop. This allows us to reallocate our existing iPads from the senior classes to the junior grades and thus provide students in Grades 1 and 2 with a 1:1 ratio of iPads, along with class banks of iPads in the Foundation classrooms. 

This wonderful upgrade will create enhanced educational opportunities for all of our lucky students. Last night’s parent webinar delivered some additional information on the chromebooks and what programs we have in place to teach digital citizenship in all levels of the school, through the CyberSafety project. Parents of students in Grades 3-6 are asked to discuss the ICT Acceptable Use Agreement and sign the parent consent form as soon as possible. All students must have this agreement signed before they can use their chromebook in class and connect to the 'Google Workspace for Education'. 


We are very grateful to the School Council for their support in achieving this outcome and Digi Tech Leader, Mr Michael Every for his role in leading this initiative.  A very exciting time at Monty Primary!


Funds Raised - Movie Night and thanks

The weather gods were temporarily on our side for our much-anticipated Movie Night last Friday.  Looming dark clouds and very light drizzle could not dampen the enthusiasm and excitement that was palpable in the school as the community gathered on the oval to enjoy popcorn, sausages, sweet treats and each other’s company as we watched (almost all of) the movie, Sing. No one seemed to mind missing the ending of the film as the high drama and excitement of fleeing rain created even more entertainment. Everyone made special memories of the night and our families fundraised generously for our Library fund- thank you all so much! We appreciate your commitment!  We raised approximately $2600 - well done to all.


Working Bee 

We need your help!!! We have a huge list in preparing for the upcoming working bee on Saturday 14th and would appreciate as many helpers as possible from 8am to approx 12:30pm


Election: Watch this Space

Calling all cake bakers!! BBQ chefs!! Face Paint artists!! We want you!!!

Next week we will be requesting helpers for Election Day (Saturday May 22nd). The plan is to use this opportunity to continue our fundraising efforts for the school.  Please consider if you can assist by contributing to our cake, sausage sizzle or face painting stalls. It will be a long day, so we need helpers from 8am until mid-afternoon. More information to come next week!


And lastly, but most importantly, we wish all mothers and special people in our lives a happy day on Sunday!


Take care everyone,

Janene and Bek



Sibling Enrolments are now due, please submit to the Office as soon as possible!

We are experiencing a high level of interest, so please help us by submitting your form asap.