Student Voice with Rubi

Grade 1

Rubi came to our school in Prep and is now in 

Grade 1. Rubi loves reading books, maths, colouring in and going to the playground. Here is what Ruby has to say about all things school!


Student Name: Rubi Langston


Age: 6 years old


Grade: Grade 1 


Suburb you live in: Rokeby


What grade were you in when you started at this school?



What are your favourite things to do at school?

Reading books.


What is your unknown hidden talent?



What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a Vet.


Any favourite hobbies or interests?

Going to the playground.


What is your favourite thing about JPII?

Playing with my friends, and doing my jobs and work.


Favourite staff member and why?

Mrs Singleton and Mrs Rickards.

Because they help us learn and let us have free choice and time.


Most funniest/memorable experience at school?

When Mrs Singleton and Mr Quillam be silly.


Three favourite things you like about this school

1. When I see my brother Jai in Kinder.

2. When we get to have free choice in the classroom.

3. Maths colouring in.


If you could change or add one thing about our school to make it better what 

would it be?

Make the school bigger and another big playground with new cool equipment in it.

And have buddies from other schools to come and play in it.


Any other thoughts you would like to share as a student at JPII?

I think everyone is really kind and sometimes a bit naughty, but we fix it up.



Thank you Rubi.