R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo


         TERM TWO

  • Thursday 5th May @9:30a.m. - 2:30p.m.

Year 3 - Reconciliation Reflection Day

Our Parent/Child Workshop has needed to be postponed due to our guest speaker being unwell. Our new date for our Parent/Child workshop is:

Wednesday 11th May @7pm.(please bring pencil cases)


This Week’s Character Virtue: 


Diligence is an effort to carefully complete tasks to a high standard.  As Christians, we have a duty to always strive to do our best and not waste our God given talents.  Diligent people are the kind of people we want as brain surgeons, book editors and architects, because these jobs wouldn’t work without patience and attention to detail. 

Prayer for the Start of Term Two 

Dear Lord, help me to live each day quietly, easily. 

To lean upon your strength truthfully, restfully. 

To wait for the unfolding of your will patiently, serenely. 

To meet others peacefully, joyfully. 

To face tomorrow confidently, courageously. 



Welcome back to the start of Term Two. I hope you had a well-deserved break.

I commend our two Year 6 student leaders, Ruby and Connor together with Mrs Leone who took part in the Rotary ANZAC Day Memorial Service last Thursday at the Templestowe RSL grounds. 


Our two students demonstrated their leadership skills by representing St Kevin’s by laying a wreath at the foot of the memorial in memory of the fallen soldiers. Well done leaders!







This Sunday we celebrate all the wonderful mother’s in our school community and our Mother Mary. On behalf of our staff, I take this opportunity to wish all mothers a very happy and blessed ‘Mother’s Day’. 




Year 3 - Reconciliation Reflection Day

  • Thursday 5th May @ 9:30a.m. - 2:30p.m.


Our Parent/Child Workshop has been postponed due to our guest speaker being unwell. The new date for the Parent/Child workshop is Wednesday 11th May @7pm.

(please bring pencil cases)


Every blessing, 

Fulvia Gerosolimo





Don't forget about the parish website which has fabulous articles and children’s activities. Also each week in the Family Page and Fun (scan QR code to go straight to page)


section of the website there are links to that weekend's Gospel activities. There are two gospel links: one for the juniors and one for the seniors. These activities can be downloaded and printed or just viewed. These worksheets will help the children understand the gospel message for that particular reading.





Please take a look at the Parish Newsletter too. There is lots of great information and inspiration in this document each week.
