Specialist News

Physical Vibe News

It has been a very busy start to term 2 with camps, incursions, District Cross Country and House Athletics. The students are to be commended on their enthusiasm in all things physical education. 


Life Saving Victoria Incursion

Last week every class got to take part in a free incursion from Life Saving Victoria called ‘Sink or Swim’. These free sessions align with the swimming and water safety education program.

These sessions focused on the following main points for each subschool:

Junior School - pool safety, help signals, floatation devices, emergency 000, sunsmart and supervision around water.

Middle School - beach safety, beach rules and signs, help signals, emergency 000, sunsmart and introduction to rip currents.

Senior School - safety in different water environments (river/lake/dam/beach), beach rules and signs, help signals, emergency 000, sunsmart and a detailed explanation of how to spot a rip and what to do when in one.

The feedback from the students was very positive. It is programs like this one that help educate our students on the importance of staying safe around water. 

District Cross Country

On Thursday 5th May we had 45 students represent the school at District Cross Country at Casey Fields. The day started off a little chilly but the rain held off and it turned out to be a very successful day for the school. Everyone gave it their all and showed great determination. 

Congratulations to the following 11 students who have qualified for Division Cross Country: Charlie P, Jemma S, Lara, Finlay, KJ, Ayden N, Elliot, Ava T, Madalee, Indigo and Delta. 

A big thankyou to Lyn Dean and Trudy Taylor who volunteered their time to be course marshals.

Mrs Atherton, Mrs Halket and Mrs Wilson did a great job cheering the students on, taking photos and being absolute superstars!

House Athletics - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

On Friday 6th May we held our annual House Athletics carnival. Whilst there was some nasty weather forecasted we were lucky enough to get through the day with patches of sunshine.

The students all wore their house colours with pride with several donning colourful skirts, hair accessories and face paint. Mrs Chiovitti got everyone involved in some boot camp style exercises between races and Mrs Forbes owned the megaphone.

The sprints and hurdles were completed in the morning with all students pushing themselves to go as fast as possible. After break 1 the students split up into their age groups and completed the field events (long jump, high jump, discus and shot put). Mrs Mills is to be commended on her modelling at high jump.

The day could not have been possible without the assistance of the year 3 to 6 teachers, education support staff, Mrs Snowden (first aid), Mr Corcoran (line marking and set up), various staff members (set up) and our amazing volunteers.

A big thankyou to two past students Ella and Jesse who also came and helped out.

The students all tried their best and collected house points along the way. It was a tight count all day with the final tally being:

4th - Munmut on 335 points

3rd - Biik on 370 points

2nd - Baany on 383 points

1st - Wiiny on 415 points

The carnival also acted as selection trials for the District Athletics carnival in term 3. I will be working through the results and naming the team later in the term.

Mrs Danielle Curtois

Visual Arts

The whole school focused on Indigenous Inspired Art. Students showed respect and appreciation for the Aboriginal culture.  

All of the photos are on Seesaw, but here are a few snaps from each sub-school.

The Juniors decorated boomerangs with symbols on one side. On the other side, they coloured in a design created by an Aboriginal Artist named Michelle Napanangka Earl.   

The Middles decorated larger wooden boomerangs with symbols to tell a Dreamtime story on one side. On the other side, they incorporated our 5 schools symbols of Biik (Earth), Munmut (Wind), Wiiny (Fire), Baany (Water) and Murrup (Spirit).  

The Seniors created Rainsticks using a variety of materials. Their design tells a unique Dreamtime story of how the rain comes. Students collected small rocks, twigs and leaves to help make the rain sounds. 

Environmental Studies

Nature Play - This term we are investigating living and non-living things in our environment. We have been on a school yard safari to identify what creatures call our school home, and we then decided to collect dead leaves to make some leaf kebabs for the minibeasts!

Middle School - The Year 3's and 4's have been working very hard in the wildlife corridor and it is looking amazing! We are hoping to find some evidence that the bandicoots are coming to visit, so far we have found some conical shaped diggings and few little hiding holes.

Senior School - This term we will be focusing on the Biological Sciences and looking into the adaptations of both plants and animals in Australia.