Harmony Day

Harmony Day Celebrations
On Thursday 24th March, our vast array of students’ cultural backgrounds was celebrated as part of Harmony Week. We were inspired by the range of student-led cultural activities that were on offer at lunchtime across various locations of the school. Students across all houses took part in learning the Greek Zorba, playing the Sri Lankan carom board, decorating their hands with Henna and performing cultural songs and dance.
Congratulations to our International students and in particular, Year 12 International Leader, Cicy Zhang for organising and assisting with the logistics and preparations. A special thank you to the Tech Crew for their assistance of the student performances, as well as all the staff who dedicated their time and efforts to support the students. It was a great day and lovely to see such a respectful and inclusive school community come together to celebrate multiculturalism.
Rebecca Bianco
Student Agency & Transition Leader