
Students in Languages hit the ground running in this year’s Education
Perfect Languages Championships. As a school, Blackburn managed to reach 124th place overall globally out of the 2,824 schools that competed. In 1 week, students at BHS managed to answer 150, 260 questions!
The outstanding participation of students led to the school also achieving the following milestones:
8th place in French in Victoria (out of 261 schools)
14th place for German in Victoria (out of 197 schools)
A total of 21 students managed to earn awards in the
competition and individual student certificates will be
distributed next term in House Assemblies. A special
mention to Freyr Brown in Year 9 who managed the only Elite Award for BHS and ranked 59th overall globally out of over 200,000 users! Congratulations and well done to
everyone who participated!
On 24 March, BHS celebrated Harmony Day. Ms Pochinco set up a Canadian pavilion that explored facets of Canadian culture including how Canadian’s cope with the weather, elements of Canadian food culture, spotlights on a few Indigenous Cultures and finally Voyageurs Games including “La jambette” and “Tappe la galette”.
Languages Club was featured in the Student Clubs Expo during Week 10.
The club, which was started by students, serves a variety of purposes. Students who would like further assistance with their French are German are welcome to come and complete their homework, practice with other students or come with questions if they want to learn more about anything they wish to know more about.
The club also welcomes students who just love languages! Whether students learnt a language in primary school and want to find some other people who can speak it, or if they speak a particular language at home. It’s even a place where people can come and talk about Languages they are interested in and want to learn!
The club meets on Mondays in D7 and all students are welcome!
On Tuesday 5 April, French students from Years 10, 11 and 12 attended the Alliance Française French Film Festival. Students attended a screening of the film “Envole-moi” (Fly Me Away). The story explored the relationship between Thomas, a 20-something party animal whose Heart Surgeon father threatens to cut him off from his lavish lifestyle if he does not help him in supporting Marcus, a gravely ill 12-year-old patient of his. What begins as an awkward and forced relationship, turns into two close and caring friends. Students overall enjoyed the film very much and the opportunity to strengthen their listening and viewing skills. Students in Year 10 have been studying film and how to write a review and collaborated on writing the summary pictured below. We are all looking forward to next year’s excursion already! 😊