Student Leadership

Congratulations to our student leaders for 2022!
Senior School Captains
Layne Dellevergini (11B)
Jovanjijo Antony (11D)
Middle School Captains
Tayliah Marsh-Sutton (9E)
Victoria Le (9H)
House Captains
Jovanjijo Antony (11D)
Shahd Saleh (11D)
Gwain Gwain (11B)
Batool Lafta (11F)
Josh Blouyoufloh (11E)
Iqra Rizwan (11D)
Koen Buckoreelall (11C)
Ryan Bobby (11B)
House Representatives
Alexander Naumovski (7B)
Keziah Iulio (8I)
Ishaan Bansal (9H)
Amrit Brar (10G)
TJ Montero (7E)
Niveda Lenu (8F)
Shreya Monga (9E)
Ali Al Salloum (10G)
Jaden Reizo Sanchez Aguilar (7A)
Vivian Chand (8A)
Navjot Kaur (9G)
Armaan Singh (10B)
Eveleen Grewal (7H)
Mesheal Fahad Saleh (8I)
Divjot Kaur (9A)
Sharath Mohana Krishnan (10C)
Student Representative Council
Aadhvik Mahajan (7F)
Sara Chandra (7J)
Ayana Bhalla (7C)
Antonio Dellevergini (8H)
Zeenat Walia (8A)
Maryam Warsame (8I)
Sajaad Albadri (9D)
Babaljot Virk (9I)
Mila Apostolovska (10H)
Reina Lay (10F)
Taseen Sabir (10B)
Sarah Sulaiman (11C)
Fouad Aboushamat (11A)
Student Representative Council
Our SRC has already commenced meeting on a regular basis to discuss student needs, school improvement and building a positive school and community culture. We are always seeking student feedback and would love to hear from you. If you have an idea or issue you would like to raise with the SRC, please speak to a student representative from your year level or your sub-school captains.
Keep an eye out next term as the SRC works to tackle some important school-wide matters such as sustainability, positive relationships, and school culture.
Written by Rebecca Stamkovski (House Leader) & Madeleine Charisis (Student Voice and Agency Leader)