Senior School Report

Completing VCE with a VET subject - Daniel Gonzalez: Certificate III VET Sport and Recreation
My name is Daniel Gonzalez, and I am a Year 11 VCE student studying a VET course at Peter Lalor Secondary College. As part of my VCE studies I am completing my Certificate III in Sport and Recreation. For my VET course I travel to Peter Lalor each Wednesday to participate in my course. Combining VCE with a VET course has allowed me to get my VCE, but also complete a course that will give me an extra qualification in the sport and recreation industry when I finish school. The course involves a combination of theory and practical based activities that prepares me to work in the Sport and Recreation industry.
This includes:
- The logistics and how to effectively plan to run an event or competition
- Health and safety in the sport and recreation industry
- Running training sessions and warm ups and cool downs
- Learning about sports rules and how to teach sports to people
My favourite part of the VET course is the practical part. We play lots of different sports and complete workouts; with a focus on how to deliver these activities if we were running the activity for a group of people. I am passionate about VET Sport and Recreation and recommend Year 10’s to consider choosing a VET with their VCE studies next year if they are interested in a specific course.
Year 10 early access VCE studies - Mila Apostolovska
My name is Mila Apostolovska, and I am a Year 10 student at ECSC studying VCE Legal Studies in Viktorijas class. As I am in Year 10, last year I applied and got accepted to start a VCE subject a year earlier than normal. Currently, we are half way through unit one and it has been roller coaster. Compared to my Year 10 class, my work load has increased, and the content is harder, but this is a challenge I really enjoy as it motivates me to push myself in my other classes.
It is a really great opportunity as I get an inside look of what my VCE experience will look like next year and has helped me gain experience for Year 11 and managing the VCE work load. I have enjoyed taking on this challenge as it has given me new skills and has motivated me to keep on track and do well in my studies.
Viktorija is a great teacher, and really helps me in class and makes my VCE journey extremely enjoyable. Personally, I would encourage any Year 10 students next year to give early access VCE a go, as it will give you a look at what is to come if you decide to do VCE in Year 11 and 12.
Summit Year 10 leadership camp reflection - Turker Cakal
We went to the Year 10 Summit leadership Camp from the 15th - 16th March. It was an early start, as we left school at 7:30 am on our way to Trafalgar in West Gippsland. When we got to the camp, we met our instructors and started the activities.
Overall, the camp was a fun and exciting experience that I shared with my friends, my teachers. The camp helped build my leadership skills and my skills in working with other people in a group. My favourite activities of the camp were the mud run and the giant swing.
I was lucky to have participated in this this camp two years in a row and it is an experience that I will never forget.
Camp photos
Attendance Awards - Year 10
Congratulations to the following Year 10 students who have an attendance of 95% or above in Term 1, 2022. Keep up the great work!
Attendance Awards - Year 11
Congratulations to the following Year 11 students who have an attendance of 95% or above in Term 1, 2022. Keep up the great work!
Respect awards - Year 10
The following students have been nominated by a teacher at E.C.S.C. for demonstrating outstanding levels of respect in the classroom, yard and wider E.C.S.C. community for Term 1, 2022. While all students at ECSC show respect each and every day at E.C.S.C; we would like to acknowledge the following students for their outstanding levels of respect this term. Keep up the great work!
Progress Reports - Year 11 VCE & VCAL
Parents of VCE and VCAL students may note that the Term 1 Progress Report template still assesses our Senior students against the Victorian Curriculum (item 1). In the Senior school context, this is not accurate and we are adapting the rubric from Term 2 to suit the learning experience of our Senior students. For this term, families should interpret the first item as to whether the students are tracking towards an overall Satisfactory result for Unit 1 in that subject. Teachers have taken into account whether students have been regularly completing the required coursework and assessment tasks for Outcome 1. If your child has been given a low judgement in this area we suggest you contact the relevant classroom teacher for further information.
Term 2 - Important Dates
Whittlesea Career Expo
Year 10 & 11 students will have the opportunity to attend the upcoming Careers Expo which will be held on 9th June. This is an important opportunity for our student to engage with Universities, TAFE, Registered training providers (RTO's) industry & community organisations and employers. Further information will be released closer to the event.
Parents, Carers and students are encourage to attend the event together between 5.00 -7:30 pm to explore career and pathway options.
Year 10 & 11 Exams
The year 10 & 11 exams are an important part of the academic programs, as we prepare the students to undertake the VCAA exams at the end of year 12, in 2023. The Senior School team conducts the year 10 & 11 exams to replicate the exam format and exam conditions as part of our program to prepare the students with each round of exam becoming more similar to the ones the student will face at the end of year 12.
The year 11 exams will in held in the week beginning June 6, in the seventh week of term 2, which is also the final week of the VCE unit 1 subjects. The year 11 student then start the Unit 2 subjects on the week beginning the 14th June.
Year 10 student will undertake exams in the final week of term 2, with the exam being held in the week beginning the 20th June.
Year 11 into year 12 Information Night
The college will be holding an important Information Night for all of our year 11 students regarding VCE & introduction of the new Vocational Major within the VCE.
The Victorian Government has announced a new integrated senior secondary certificate that will bring together the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) to give students greater choice and flexibility to pursue their strengths and interests and develop the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in further education, work and life and our college is prepare for these changes that we wish to update you on.
The move to a single certificate will commence next year with stage 1.
Stage 1: 2023
The first stage is the introduction of a new Vocational Major within the VCE commencing in 2023. This is a two-year vocational and applied learning program that will replace Senior and Intermediate VCAL and offer a program that enables successful transitions into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, or directly into employment.
As part of preparing our year 11 students and parents for the changes we will hold an Information Evening on Wednesday 15 June and we will also be offering year 11 students and parents the opportunity to attend the school on Thursday 23 June to attend one on one student & parent meeting regarding course pathways for year 12, 2023 and to discuss how these changes may impact on student programs.
Other Important Senior School Dates
- May 20, Vaccinations - year 10
- June 1, Student Led Conferences
- Mid July 2023 subject choices open
- August 26, Year 11 Formal (postponed from 2021)
- October 21, Year 10 Formal