
What's @ ECSC Library:
We now have a dedicated Library for our students to respect, embrace and innovate to increase their learning opportunities not just in a classroom.
We have a range of different genres from picture story, graphic novels, lots of different fiction books up to senior fiction and not to forget the non fiction where we have recently purchased biographies and autobiographies. We use a book to suit every student's ability but also to push students to read at a higher level.
I have been surveying students when they come into the library for their class to find out what they like to read and what else they would like to see in the library to read. We have a suggestion box where students can suggest a book that can be considered to be purchased.
Library Club:
This term Library Club has been open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at lunchtime. We have a variety of different activities from Uno, board games, Chess and gaming on devices. During Library club we have been offering Year 11’s as a study session if they need to complete any work or study for an upcoming SAC. This has also been supported by teachers from different faculties of the school giving up lunchtime to support the students. In the Library we also have ECSC clubs on our wall then students can see what is happening in the College during the term.
Write4fun Competition:
Last year we were lucky enough to have a winner Noraah (8H) who was judged the best Poem in Australia. She has won a Rebel gift card and had her piece published in ‘The write notes’.
This year we are opening it again and will be picking the best entries to represent ECSC.
Schools Poetry & Short Story 'National Treasures' Writing Competition!
Students all over Australia are invited to enter their 16 line poems OR 500
word short stories, and battle it out for the great cash & prizes on offer.
There is no theme!! Entrants are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild
and write on ANY TOPIC and in ANY STYLE. Students from ALL GRADES are welcome
to enter.
Please submit your writing piece to me by 20th April at
This has been posted in all the year levels noticeboards. So if you think your child has the ability/ skills or to have a go at something new please ask them to consider this competition.
Trish Bennett
College Librarian