Principal's Report

Term 1 Complete!
I have reminded both staff and students that this is the most consecutive weeks of schooling we have all experienced since Term 1 2020. It is understandable that many of our students are tired. The ECSC teachers have aimed to re-establish many of the school and learning routines that have been a little forgotten by students over the last two years. Many students have transitioned to regular attendance extremely well but there are those students who are needing more time to rebuild their learning confidence. I wish to congratulate all our Senior school students who are completing VCE units or VCAL for the first time. I would like to especially commend our Year 10 students who have been successfully completing VCE Unit 1 subjects.
As the College Principal it has made me very proud and happy to see ECSC students participate in Drama, Music, Ceramics, Interschool sports, House Competitions, Lunchtime Science club, Harmony Week, Assemblies, lunchtime sports training, Science practicals, and so many other activities that we were not able to fully experience across the last two years. I wish to thank the all the ECSC staff, in particular the teachers who have done their best to provide engaging learning activities across the term while facing the impact of Covid. Everyone has worked together as a team to provide the best opportunities we can for all the students. Our staff at ECSC are continuously involved in professional learning. This can be working with our educational consultants; working in professional learning communities and also expanding their own skills in our new facilities.
Welcome to New Staff.
We continue to employ new staff to meet the demands of the College. I would like to welcome the following staff members who have started late in the term or will be starting in Term 2:
Donna Lockett - Education Support - HR
Michelle Jones - VASS/First Aid/Admin
Alison Rogers - VCE English/Humanities Teacher
Patricia Fulgione - VCE English/Humanities Teacher
Amy Ludvik - English/Drama/Humanities Teacher
Adam Ammouche - Tutor
Winter Uniform - Term 2
As we approach the end of Term 1 and move into colder weather I ask that you plan organising your child's winter uniform. I acknowledge that over the last two years our students spent most of their time remote learning over winter but so far this year all schools continue to remain open as we manage Covid across the community. I have attached a graphic of the winter uniform. The Winter uniform consists of:
- Blazer
- School Woollen Jumper
- White shirt
- Tie
- Grey shorts or pants
- Winter skirt worn with navy stockings or socks
Many students prefer to wear their blazer without their jumper this is perfectly acceptable. The blazer is worn with the white shirt NOT the sports jacket. The sports jacket, and rugby top are only to be worn for PE with the rest of the PE uniform. Our Uniform is available from PSW Suppliers - South Morang. If you believe your child may be able to receive State School Relief support to help with some pieces of the Uniform please contact the College. Thank you to all of you for supporting the high expectations of the College,
Update on Opening of Canteen and Soccer Pitch.
The estimated date for the use of the soccer pitch is the middle of term 2. The grass is growing well but it is important that it is solidly established before the soccer pitch begins to be regularly used. I know that many students are keen for it to be ready - we just need to wait a little longer.
It is with great excitement we wish to announce the ECSC canteen will be run by Canteen 29. They have experience in other secondary colleges and will be spending the coming few weeks and holidays setting up and preparing for an opening by Week 4 of Term 2. We will also use the first few weeks to teach students how to line up and conduct themselves at the canteen - with over 1000 students who have been waiting for the canteen to open this is extremely important. We will send more information out about pricing; types of food and ordering lunches at the start of Term 2.
School Council 2022
Upon completing the School Council nominations and election process for 2022 I wish to announce the 2022 School Council members:
Melanie Taimani (School Council President)
Mary Timotheou
Shahida Angullia
Pina Vazourakis
Glen Cowan
Anthony Asta
Sara Mamone
Cara Horner
Vivian Fatupaito
Apar Acharya
Aishleen Sandhu
A well-informed and effective school council strengthens community confidence in the school and helps to build and secure the school’s reputation.
All ECSC School Council complete School Council training in order to have a clear understanding of the distinction in roles and responsibilities between school council and the principal. This supports the effective and efficient operations of the council and the school. School council powers and functions are set out in DET policy:
Responsibility for all other aspects of running a school rests with the principal, with support from the Department and other members of school staff.
Year 7 Information Evening for 2023
We have sent promotional material to our local feeder primary schools for all Year 5 and 6 families about our Year 7 Information Evening for 2023. I had the opportunity to visit the Year 5 and 6 students at Edgars Creek Primary school and it is a privilege to meet many of the students who will be attending ECSC in 2023. I have included the promotional poster below. Please share with family and friends or direct them to our social media pages to book in via the QR code. It is so exciting to invite families onto the grounds to showcase our teaching and learning program; excellent teachers and specialist subject facility.