Grade 1/2

What have we been up to this week?


A big thank you to you all!

We celebrated Earth day last Friday after a week of lead up with our literacy tasks focused on important issues for our precious planet and how we can help. Here are some links we watched in class if you want to share them together as a family - it explains big concepts in a child friendly way:

Jackie French’s The Tomorrow Book

Global Warming

Earth Hour


In the TreadLightly challenge there were over 230 shoes donated from our level and as a school community we collected over 1000 shoes for recycling! Thanks to those families in Grade 1 and 2 who collected from grandparents, neighbours and cleared out your own cupboards. 

Meeting Harold! - even Mrs Sharland was star struck!


 After a successful session last week with Life Education, students participated in a whole school assembly where some students shared their pledges and we got to meet Harold in real life. Even Mrs Sharland was star struck! Thanks Karen Sharland on all your organising for this whole school program.