Assistant Principal's Report

Friday Maths Fun
See if you can work out the secret code.
Ms M has put together a maths quiz for you!
Some of the students did it today!
Write a three digit number.
The first and third digits must differ by more than one.
Example 264
Now reverse the digits to form a second number.
Example 462
Subtract the smaller number from the larger one.
Example 462-264=198
Now reverse the digits in the answer and add to that number.
Example 891+198=1089
Multiply the number by one million.
Example 1089x1000000=1089000000
Subtract 733,361,573.
Example 1089000000-733361573=355638427
Magic Code
Under each digit in your answer, write the letter that corresponds. Look carefully, it could be jumbled or backwards!
0 - Y
1 - M
2 - P
3 - L
4 - R
5 - O
6 - F
7 - A
8 - I
9 - B
Mrs Bailey has just had word from Tread Lightly that ACPS has won the Victorian Award for the most shoes donated!
We have counted over 1100 shoes which will now be recycled into basketball courts, playgrounds as well as the laces and metal parts being recycled for other uses.
Congratulations to all our ACPS families on such a great achievement.
Well done to all our Prep students who took out the class award for donating the most shoes!!!
Together - we can do great things.
Well done Sarah and all the green thumbs on this great initiative!
Meredith Thornton
Assistant Principal and P E Co-ordinator