Curriculum, Assessment & Teaching & Learning 

Steve Sirrals

Curriculum, Assessment & Teaching & Learning



Last week a range of Year 7 and 9 students completed the Online NAPLAN Practice Test. Nationally, 5,152 schools participated with 503,895 students logging in during the event.


As mentioned in the previous Newsletter, this process allows students to practice the type of questions they will receive during an adaptive Online NAPLAN Test, while also allowing the school to reflect on the trial to ensure we run an efficient NAPLAN Test environment later in the year.


We believe this process was a valuable learning exercise for all involved.


Assessment Feedback

Assessment Feedback has now been released on Compass for a number of classes. The Assessment Feedback Calendars can be found on Compass, so you know when to expect the feedback for different learning tasks. We encourage students and parents to spend some time viewing and discussing the feedback.


Effective feedback will ensure the following is clear; where a student is currently at in their learning, where they are going with their learning and how they will improve to get there.


Parent Teacher Student Conversations 

Parent Teacher Student Conversations (PTSC) will be taking place early next term. Information on how these will run will be shared on Compass in the coming weeks.




Steve Sirrals