Principal's Report

September 2021

End of Term 3

I am determined in this newsletter to write on other issues apart from the pandemic, hence I would like to mention the following:


Given that we are in the middle of September, it is important for our Year 12 students to be aware that they have only approximately 5 weeks of school left. These weeks are ALL very important and students need to make the very best use of this time to put themselves in the best position for their future.


For those in Years 9 to 11, online course counselling and information sessions are occurring right now, which I know will provide students and families with the knowledge to select appropriate subjects and pathways for 2022. For those needing some extra professional advice, please take advantage of the expertise that the college has to offer by simply contacting us and we will direct your need to the appropriate person. 


End of semester reports have been made available to parents, carers and to students via COMPASS. It is important to discuss the report and feedback from the recent Parent/Teacher/Student interviews with your children and to have them develop goals and aims associated with their performance.


Synchronous Online Learning via Microsoft Teams

The expectation that part of all lessons are in real-time for every subject, including Home Group has been of great value for all of us.

We also asked students to enable and have the video function on during all real-time classes as we felt it is vital for staff to see their students so it mimics regular onsite learning. Staff are able to read the non-verbal cues and act on them appropriately. This has been very helpful in supporting our students.

I am pleased to say that in this new way of working, we have seen our attendance numbers improve compared to the previous lockdown as well.


Staff, students and families have been working hard to set all this up in a short span of time.

All our students, parents and staff should be congratulated on how quickly they have managed to transition across to synchronous online learning.


Well done.


Covid19 update

I have written to families many times over the last few months as the College has managed the difficult task of providing support to students and families, both in their learning as well as their wellbeing.


Once again, all our students, parents and staff should be congratulated on how well they have supported all the measures that the college has in place.

We are very grateful for your understanding.


I will of course write to families as soon as I am aware of the arrangements for schooling at the beginning of term 4.


I wish you all a safe and restful break, and look forward to catching up with all of you next term.


John Mitsinikos

College Principal